Jesus Illusion. Stare at the four black dots in the center of the image for
Jesus Illusion
Jesus Illusion
Concerning the illusion, it works in the same way as Jesus Afterimage.

Baby Jesus Optical Illusion | Hidden Jesus Illusion

Barack Obama Optical Illusion Just like the Jesus Illusion, you'll stare at
This may be the optical illusion you are looking
club illusions in hartford. optical illusions with the word jesus. illusions
Jesus optical illusion! (black and white in couler ) 0.43 min.
Jesus Christ. This illusion is pretty popular and a really great example of
Stare at the black dot… after a while, the gray haze around it will appear
Jesus Optical Illusion
Scary Jesus Illusion, IT WILL SCARE YOU TO DEATH!
In a same way I gave you “Jesus Illusion” and “Glowing Bulb”,
a dis-orientating ultra-perspective black and white illusion room with a
RE: [Contest] Optical illusions!

This is similar to the F Word Illusion, last time i posted the "F word"

Most Beautiful Black and White Photography
Tommy Angel is a marvellous feat of illusion. Appearing on the one hand as a