Tuesday, 30 November 2010

What goes around...

Do you see what the blog URL says?  That's right, susansallinone.  Always has said that, always will.  Like the Tease and Denial Queens, which also has my name in the URL, this blog was also stolen from me and now I have stolen it back.

Like a powerful German Dictator once said, if a thief steals your money and you steal it back, does that too make you a thief?  I say no and I'm not going to feel guilty about this.  I started this blog to fill a void that I had due to my loss of the other blog but my former bully Mistress didn't wait long before she stole it from me.  You know how it goes, "I'm the Domme, you're the sub, so I'm taking your blog".

Well guess what, I have stolen it back with the permission of my new and much improved Mistress, Mistress Jen.  You see, Andrea and I always knew each others passwords but once she moved out, I wised up and changed mine.  But she didn't.  Seems she is prohibited from getting online much these days.  So I logged in with her name and gave myself ADM rights back and you know the rest. 

If my former girlfriend wants to take this like a champ and play nice, I will allow her to remain on as an author because she certainly knows her Celeb Feet and is great at bashing liberals.  But if she gets pissy about the take over, she's out of here.  It's up to her.

Of course, this blog or any other will still never make me forget about the blog I really desire, the T&D Queens.  And I'll certainly keep trying to get that blog back but I will only do so in a fair way, by winning an election.  I would also promise not to simply keep that blog in my control should I ever get it back.  I'd continue the every three months elections because I feel it's a great way to keep whoever the ADM is on her toes.  The problem for me is that Keena always is on her toes so it will be tough to ever beat her.  But someday people will tire of her as they did Miss Melanie, as they did of Andrea, and as they did of Keena herself back in 2009.

I intend on keeping this blog mainly about female celeb feet, a topic I have great interest in.  Maybe as much as Andrea does.  It will also be used to bash liberals, something that's easy and comes naturally to me and for whatever else I desire.  Sports, rants, restaurant reviews, whatever. 

Later tonight I will do a Celeb Feet update and also give an account of what went on Saturday night as Mistress Jen and I went out with Shique, Nicole and Shique's cousin Chivonn.

At this time, I regrettably must introduce to you my new avatar.  Obviously this is not the avatar I want to use but I have to use it until I drop the desired weight.  :(


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