Friday, 23 July 2010
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Ursula Mayes

Ursula Mayes
Born on August 9th, 1979, at a military base in Seoul, South Korea, Ursula Yvonne Mayes traveled frequently as an army brat. Some of the many places she visited included Puerto Rico and North Carolina until she was finally able to settle with her family in the Washington, DC area where she would consequently spend the rest of her childhood. She would later move on to Fairfax, Virginia. Her mischievous nature could well be attributed to her having five brothers who influenced her in both positive and negative ways (for example, they taught to hot-wire a car). On a positive note, she credits them for her interest in rock music, boxing, motor sports, and martial arts. Her early years saw her in and out of trouble and so to keep herself out of trouble, she would go to work for her aunt who as a photographer; Ursula assisted her by doing hair and make-up behind the camera. Her aunt, while Ursula worked alongside her at her studio, encouraged her begin modeling. Her exotic looks can be credited to her mother, who is Korean and her father who is German/Native American.
Ursula Mayes
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Kimberley Roberts

Kimberley Roberts is one stunning knockout and has an impressive career ahead of her. She was named one of the top 100 British models by FHM magazine and it’s a no brainer. This Classy little dame deserves your full attention and respect. Well, we give it to you miss Kimberley Roberts.
Kimberley Roberts
Monday, 19 July 2010
The great tee shirt myth
As some of you might know I am a secretary at a bottled water company. We have several drivers, all of whom want to worship my feet and fuck me but that's besides the point. Can you blame them however?
For many years I've watched one route man after another come through our branch and almost all of them have one thing in common. This is the flat out stupidity of somehow thinking wearing a fucking tee shirt UNDER their regular work shirt keeps them cooler in the hot summer.
I've got to say, this has got to be the biggest old wives tale I've ever heard. Worse than all old people saying you'll catch a cold if you sleep with a window open or go outside without a jacket. Why in the hell would wearing an extra shirt keep you cool anyway? It's utter stupidity unparalleled in a stupid society. Why not just put on a fucking leather jacket while you're at it, morons.
I've laughed at and questioned every guy I've seen doing this. The answers are many but in general it's "the shirt absorbs the sweat and the cool breeze that goes through hits the sweat on the tee shirt keeps me cool". Where the fuck do I even begin with such ignorance?
First of all the body sweats to keep itself cool. So why do you want to absorb it? Second, you say it absorbs it then you go on to say the under shirt retains it. Which is it? And when in God's name is there ever a breeze and a cool one at that in the middle of summer? And if so, why not just let your outer shirt absorb the sweat and let the "breeze" do it's wonder that way? Why get another shirt in the way?
If you are one of the bozos who wears tee shirts under your regular work shirt for the purpose of "keeping cooler", don't even bother responding to this Susan like rant. By the way, she has the exact opinion on this subject. I've tried this out of curiosity when I go outdoors to work in the yard or wash my car. It's flat out bullshit. It makes you feel 20 degrees hotter.
So if you are one of the buffoons that wears under shirts to keep cooler, which by the way is probably the most asinine thing ever uttered, then how about trying this for logic. In the winter when it's about 20 fucking degrees outside I have something for you to try to help keep you warmer. Go bare back, with no shirt at all!
*crashes head through monitor at the pure ignorance*
As some of you might know I am a secretary at a bottled water company. We have several drivers, all of whom want to worship my feet and fuck me but that's besides the point. Can you blame them however?
For many years I've watched one route man after another come through our branch and almost all of them have one thing in common. This is the flat out stupidity of somehow thinking wearing a fucking tee shirt UNDER their regular work shirt keeps them cooler in the hot summer.
I've got to say, this has got to be the biggest old wives tale I've ever heard. Worse than all old people saying you'll catch a cold if you sleep with a window open or go outside without a jacket. Why in the hell would wearing an extra shirt keep you cool anyway? It's utter stupidity unparalleled in a stupid society. Why not just put on a fucking leather jacket while you're at it, morons.
I've laughed at and questioned every guy I've seen doing this. The answers are many but in general it's "the shirt absorbs the sweat and the cool breeze that goes through hits the sweat on the tee shirt keeps me cool". Where the fuck do I even begin with such ignorance?
First of all the body sweats to keep itself cool. So why do you want to absorb it? Second, you say it absorbs it then you go on to say the under shirt retains it. Which is it? And when in God's name is there ever a breeze and a cool one at that in the middle of summer? And if so, why not just let your outer shirt absorb the sweat and let the "breeze" do it's wonder that way? Why get another shirt in the way?
If you are one of the bozos who wears tee shirts under your regular work shirt for the purpose of "keeping cooler", don't even bother responding to this Susan like rant. By the way, she has the exact opinion on this subject. I've tried this out of curiosity when I go outdoors to work in the yard or wash my car. It's flat out bullshit. It makes you feel 20 degrees hotter.
So if you are one of the buffoons that wears under shirts to keep cooler, which by the way is probably the most asinine thing ever uttered, then how about trying this for logic. In the winter when it's about 20 fucking degrees outside I have something for you to try to help keep you warmer. Go bare back, with no shirt at all!
*crashes head through monitor at the pure ignorance*
Finally, I'm back (Celeb feet update 7/18/10)
It's been a while since I've updated. Pretty much since I had to hand over the T&D blog to Keena. It wasn't long after that, that I suffered a major MS Exacerbation. Easily my worst yet. I wasn't sure I'd ever recover but as of now I'm back to about 85%.
In this last attack I missed nine days of work and was confined to the bed for six days and was mostly either in bed or on the couch the other days. Have you ever woke up in the middle of the night and have one of your arms feel totally numb and tingly because you've been laying on it for who knows how long?
It's a weird feeling but after 30 seconds or so you can shake your hand or arm and it goes away. Well, imagine both your hands, arms, legs and feet all feeling that way at once and there was nothing you could do about it. That's how I felt for an entire week. I couldn't even walk down the hall because I had no feeling in my feet and my balance was horrible. I was also so dizzy I threw up a few times when trying to walk.
I wanted to update and at least let people know my situation but my fingers literally wouldn't work and there was no way to type. My mouth was so numb it felt like the dentist gave me about ten shots. Jen and Susan had a hard time understanding things I'd say because my speech was so slurred due to the numbness.
My senses were also totally messed up. For two days my left eye was so blurry I couldn't decipher anything with it. My taste was completely gone and eating was only for nourishment. My sense of smell was 95% gone. I think Susan told of the day she and Shannon went shopping and when she came home she removed her very sweaty shoes and let me smell her feet only for me to smell nothing. That literally mad me cry.
I also had to wear adult diapers because I lost control of my bladder a few times and wet the bed. All in all it would be considered a major MS attack by any standard. It was likely caused by the sudden extreme heat we've had but these attacks can come out of the blue for no reason. When you have MS you just never know what the next day will bring.
I had several great months with virtually no problems but I knew it was only a matter of time. It was hard to believe that only a few weeks ago I was running three miles, bicycling, playing softball, and was the Queen and ADM of the Tease and Denial Queens. I do badly miss being ADM but had I been re-elected my assistant would have had to run it until I got better.
I could probably have prevented such a major attack had I started the Prednisone pills right away or gone in for an injection but the side effects of those medications are also horrific. But not nearly as bad or terrifying as what I went through. Once I started the Prednisone mostly everything cleared up within a week.
Today I can walk fine, eat, drink and talk perfect. I do feel weak and tired but that's normal after something like this. The only remaining afflictions of the attack are random pins and needles sensations in my hands and feet, mostly the feet. Overall though I feel pretty damn good and am so thankful to be on the road back.
This is encouraging because it shows it's not Progressive MS which would get worse and worse and never have remissions. I just have a recurring form of the disease that will likely flare a few times a year but leave me with no disability.
Up until this latest flare I've always been very positive and brave but during this flare I was scared to death and probably cried a million tears when nobody was watching. But I know they knew. I was in a constant state of prayer with the Lord Jesus Christ whom is in total control of my life. I trust Him and know everything happens for a reason. I know I'll have a life of doubt and uncertainty regarding my health but the day I die, whenever that may be I will walk with Jesus forever. No afflictions, no sinful nature (can you believe that about me of all people?!?!?!) no pain, no thirst, no hunger and no fear. Personally I can't wait to die but don't worry I'd never do anything to hurry the process if you get my drift. He'll take me when He's ready for me. : )
Believe it or not, during my exacerbation I did think at times about kinky things including my own ongoing orgasm denial. I can honestly say that during this MS attack had I wanted to end the denial and have an orgasm I could never have induced one. I tried touching my pussy and clit but those were also numb as a piece of wood. I might as well be wearing the most secure chastity belt ever made.
I wasn't going to cum anyway. As bad as I want to, and I DO, I'm not ready to and don't see it happening for some time. There's an outside chance I'll shoot for two entire years which would be none months away still. There's virtually no chance I'll cum in 2010 however.
While my goal was originally one year, once I made it in April of this year then I set my sights on a full calender year which would mean no orgasms in 2010. But then I thought and said to myself "if I make it to January of 2011, I'd be within four months of making it two whole years". It has been and will be hellish but I think I can do it! I can virtually assure no orgasms for me in 2010 though unless some unforeseen event happens which is always possible.
I see Nonsequitur has set up an ongoing counter since my last orgasm and one for Susan too. As I write I'm at 447 days and 16 and a half hours. I never thought it was possible. I'm kind of sad though that Susan and Non went off and started their own blog without me. I asked Susan if I could join and she said no. It made me feel really bad.
I've always hoped Nonsequitur would like me as much as Susan but I feel it will never happen but I do completely understand and still consider him a great guy and friend. There's just something about Susan that people are drawn to. That certain mojo I just don't have. I have A LOT more real life friends than her but she doesn't exactly troll for new friends otherwise she'd be way ahead of me there too.
I'm also very sad that Joyce Marie is choosing to stay silent. I really adore her and miss her terribly. I really hope nothing has happened to her. I'm always afraid that one of those black guys she picks up outside the prison will harm her or even kill her. Please Joyce, if you read this please let us know if you are ok!
I've watched a lot of baseball lately since I've been laid up. My Dodgers are fading fast and Susan is thrilled about it. Meanwhile her Yankees stay red hot as they are year in and year out. They remind me of the Lakers. My contention remains that the Lakers are still the greatest franchise in professional sports because they continue to win titles in a sport with a salary cap and the competition is so much greater. The Yankees really only have the Red Sox and Angels to fear but that's it. The National League, despite their All Star win remain the inferior league and if the Yanks make it back to the WS, they'll crush their National League foe.
While laid up, I had the TV in the bedroom on a lot during the day and watched a ton of King of Queens and Everybody Loves Raymond. I know what you're thinking. "Would Mistress Andrea rather smell Leah Remini's or Patricia Heaton's feet"? Watching these two shows has made that very thing cross my mind often too. My answer though is Patricia Heaton. Leah frustrates the hell out of me on that show always wearing socks or slippers, even IN bed. Patricia doesn't show her feet often on ELR but when she does it's breathtaking to say the least. Did you know she used to be a foot model? She was!
I also watched a lot of I Love Lucy, Touched by an Angel, Murder She Wrote and The History Channel. I'm soooo sick of all the shows on History about the supposed 2012 Doomsday shit. I trust God only. The Bible says the day and time is unknown and I believe that. On Dec 21st, 2012 the world will still be here and Mitt Romney will be President Elect after wiping out the totally embarrassingly pathetic Barack Obama in the November 2012 election. By the way, who's my favorite angel on Touched by an Angel? Easily it's Andrew the Angel of Death. He's so great. My second favorite is Tess, then Rafeal. Monica, the main star is ok but her constant crying bugs me. In the later episodes Gloria, (Valerie Bertinelli) is decent. I love all the episodes with Randy Travis, 7 in all.
Keena came by to pick up Susan for a day of pure hell at 6:45 this morning and I haven't heard from Susan since. I can only imagine what she's going through. Personally I think she should have to give Khalid and Shahid blow jobs since I had to when I was there. Why is she exempt from this? If I was there and as her Domme I'd make her not only suck them both off but swallow every last drop of semen. I had to do it for Khalid and so should Susan.
Wow, for someone who couldn't physically have typed a week ago I've gone on and on and on here haven't I? Did anyone actually read the whole thing? If so, thank you very much. I know nobody probably cares about all my ailments related to my MS but it helps me talk about them and I'll never hide any facts of it. Now for some pictures!
It's been a while since I've updated. Pretty much since I had to hand over the T&D blog to Keena. It wasn't long after that, that I suffered a major MS Exacerbation. Easily my worst yet. I wasn't sure I'd ever recover but as of now I'm back to about 85%.
In this last attack I missed nine days of work and was confined to the bed for six days and was mostly either in bed or on the couch the other days. Have you ever woke up in the middle of the night and have one of your arms feel totally numb and tingly because you've been laying on it for who knows how long?
It's a weird feeling but after 30 seconds or so you can shake your hand or arm and it goes away. Well, imagine both your hands, arms, legs and feet all feeling that way at once and there was nothing you could do about it. That's how I felt for an entire week. I couldn't even walk down the hall because I had no feeling in my feet and my balance was horrible. I was also so dizzy I threw up a few times when trying to walk.
I wanted to update and at least let people know my situation but my fingers literally wouldn't work and there was no way to type. My mouth was so numb it felt like the dentist gave me about ten shots. Jen and Susan had a hard time understanding things I'd say because my speech was so slurred due to the numbness.
My senses were also totally messed up. For two days my left eye was so blurry I couldn't decipher anything with it. My taste was completely gone and eating was only for nourishment. My sense of smell was 95% gone. I think Susan told of the day she and Shannon went shopping and when she came home she removed her very sweaty shoes and let me smell her feet only for me to smell nothing. That literally mad me cry.
I also had to wear adult diapers because I lost control of my bladder a few times and wet the bed. All in all it would be considered a major MS attack by any standard. It was likely caused by the sudden extreme heat we've had but these attacks can come out of the blue for no reason. When you have MS you just never know what the next day will bring.
I had several great months with virtually no problems but I knew it was only a matter of time. It was hard to believe that only a few weeks ago I was running three miles, bicycling, playing softball, and was the Queen and ADM of the Tease and Denial Queens. I do badly miss being ADM but had I been re-elected my assistant would have had to run it until I got better.
I could probably have prevented such a major attack had I started the Prednisone pills right away or gone in for an injection but the side effects of those medications are also horrific. But not nearly as bad or terrifying as what I went through. Once I started the Prednisone mostly everything cleared up within a week.
Today I can walk fine, eat, drink and talk perfect. I do feel weak and tired but that's normal after something like this. The only remaining afflictions of the attack are random pins and needles sensations in my hands and feet, mostly the feet. Overall though I feel pretty damn good and am so thankful to be on the road back.
This is encouraging because it shows it's not Progressive MS which would get worse and worse and never have remissions. I just have a recurring form of the disease that will likely flare a few times a year but leave me with no disability.
Up until this latest flare I've always been very positive and brave but during this flare I was scared to death and probably cried a million tears when nobody was watching. But I know they knew. I was in a constant state of prayer with the Lord Jesus Christ whom is in total control of my life. I trust Him and know everything happens for a reason. I know I'll have a life of doubt and uncertainty regarding my health but the day I die, whenever that may be I will walk with Jesus forever. No afflictions, no sinful nature (can you believe that about me of all people?!?!?!) no pain, no thirst, no hunger and no fear. Personally I can't wait to die but don't worry I'd never do anything to hurry the process if you get my drift. He'll take me when He's ready for me. : )
Believe it or not, during my exacerbation I did think at times about kinky things including my own ongoing orgasm denial. I can honestly say that during this MS attack had I wanted to end the denial and have an orgasm I could never have induced one. I tried touching my pussy and clit but those were also numb as a piece of wood. I might as well be wearing the most secure chastity belt ever made.
I wasn't going to cum anyway. As bad as I want to, and I DO, I'm not ready to and don't see it happening for some time. There's an outside chance I'll shoot for two entire years which would be none months away still. There's virtually no chance I'll cum in 2010 however.
While my goal was originally one year, once I made it in April of this year then I set my sights on a full calender year which would mean no orgasms in 2010. But then I thought and said to myself "if I make it to January of 2011, I'd be within four months of making it two whole years". It has been and will be hellish but I think I can do it! I can virtually assure no orgasms for me in 2010 though unless some unforeseen event happens which is always possible.
I see Nonsequitur has set up an ongoing counter since my last orgasm and one for Susan too. As I write I'm at 447 days and 16 and a half hours. I never thought it was possible. I'm kind of sad though that Susan and Non went off and started their own blog without me. I asked Susan if I could join and she said no. It made me feel really bad.
I've always hoped Nonsequitur would like me as much as Susan but I feel it will never happen but I do completely understand and still consider him a great guy and friend. There's just something about Susan that people are drawn to. That certain mojo I just don't have. I have A LOT more real life friends than her but she doesn't exactly troll for new friends otherwise she'd be way ahead of me there too.
I'm also very sad that Joyce Marie is choosing to stay silent. I really adore her and miss her terribly. I really hope nothing has happened to her. I'm always afraid that one of those black guys she picks up outside the prison will harm her or even kill her. Please Joyce, if you read this please let us know if you are ok!
I've watched a lot of baseball lately since I've been laid up. My Dodgers are fading fast and Susan is thrilled about it. Meanwhile her Yankees stay red hot as they are year in and year out. They remind me of the Lakers. My contention remains that the Lakers are still the greatest franchise in professional sports because they continue to win titles in a sport with a salary cap and the competition is so much greater. The Yankees really only have the Red Sox and Angels to fear but that's it. The National League, despite their All Star win remain the inferior league and if the Yanks make it back to the WS, they'll crush their National League foe.
While laid up, I had the TV in the bedroom on a lot during the day and watched a ton of King of Queens and Everybody Loves Raymond. I know what you're thinking. "Would Mistress Andrea rather smell Leah Remini's or Patricia Heaton's feet"? Watching these two shows has made that very thing cross my mind often too. My answer though is Patricia Heaton. Leah frustrates the hell out of me on that show always wearing socks or slippers, even IN bed. Patricia doesn't show her feet often on ELR but when she does it's breathtaking to say the least. Did you know she used to be a foot model? She was!
I also watched a lot of I Love Lucy, Touched by an Angel, Murder She Wrote and The History Channel. I'm soooo sick of all the shows on History about the supposed 2012 Doomsday shit. I trust God only. The Bible says the day and time is unknown and I believe that. On Dec 21st, 2012 the world will still be here and Mitt Romney will be President Elect after wiping out the totally embarrassingly pathetic Barack Obama in the November 2012 election. By the way, who's my favorite angel on Touched by an Angel? Easily it's Andrew the Angel of Death. He's so great. My second favorite is Tess, then Rafeal. Monica, the main star is ok but her constant crying bugs me. In the later episodes Gloria, (Valerie Bertinelli) is decent. I love all the episodes with Randy Travis, 7 in all.
Keena came by to pick up Susan for a day of pure hell at 6:45 this morning and I haven't heard from Susan since. I can only imagine what she's going through. Personally I think she should have to give Khalid and Shahid blow jobs since I had to when I was there. Why is she exempt from this? If I was there and as her Domme I'd make her not only suck them both off but swallow every last drop of semen. I had to do it for Khalid and so should Susan.
Wow, for someone who couldn't physically have typed a week ago I've gone on and on and on here haven't I? Did anyone actually read the whole thing? If so, thank you very much. I know nobody probably cares about all my ailments related to my MS but it helps me talk about them and I'll never hide any facts of it. Now for some pictures!
Sharon Stone
Tia Carrere
Allison Sweeney
Elizabeth Reaser
Adrienne Frantz
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
2 wasted days
You'd think a girl that has spent more than a week straight as a prisoner getting tortured 24/7 the entire time wouldn't think jury duty was such torture but I do. I've said on many occasions here and in my personal life that I believe the concept of jury duty is one of the dumbest laws this country has.
After my most recent tour of "duty" that ended this afternoon, nothing has changed my mind. Once again I avoided being put on a jury, a pattern that will continue each time they summon me to the court house. I just spent two full days in jury duty but for at least the next 15 months. I am automatically excused for one year and you can post pone a summons for three more months which I always do.
I had it all planned what I'd say. The case was a rape case involving a young defendant. My plan might sound strange coming from a woman and certainly a conservative woman but it won't be the first or last time an opinion of mine will seem like it's coming from a man.
I sat through two days of watching one potential juror after another be questioned by the judge, and two lawyers. Out of 80 people that were assigned to the court room, 77 were interviewed before a jury of 12 plus 2 alternates were seated. I, thankfully was one of the three left sitting in the audience. I never got or had to say a word and I was dismissed at 3:20pm today.
But had I been questioned I would have told the truth. And the truth is, I absolutely loathe prosecutors with a passion. They think they're King Shit and know everything about everything. The defendant is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty but the cock sucking prosecutors never see it that way, do they?
I first got an incredibly bad taste in my mouth with DAs and prosecutors during the first OJ Simpson trial. Marsha Clark made me want to fucking vomit and so did the black bald headed prosecutor and the despicable pieces of shit from the LAPD. Meanwhile, I idolized every move defense attorney Johnny Cochran made.
Unlike 99% of my fellow whites, I was 100% for OJ and 100% convinced the LAPD fabricated the so called evidence against him. In fact almost all the evidence during the course of the trial was pretty much proven to be planted from the bloody glove on the side of OJ's house, to the large amounts of blood that mysteriously popped up everywhere weeks after the investigation to the phantom bloody socks at the foot of his bed that were nowhere to be seen in the first set of pictures of the bedroom.
Did OJ kill those two slugs? Maybe. Probably. But I could care less. The LAPD was caught in too many lies, the prosecutors were absolutely sickening and far more reasonable doubt was cast than need be. Had I been on the jury I would also have said not guilty.
And this leads me to the charge of rape. It's a word far too many women throw around without regard. And this is in no way directed at real, true rape victims. But as we know, us women are sensitive creatures and very emotional. How often do day after regrets turn into charges of rape? I say very often. And most importantly, how many men sit in prisons today falsely accused and convicted of this heinous act? My prediction is more than 50% of the convicted men in prison today are falsely accused. And when in the hell are women ever brought up on subsequent charges of false accusations when the men ARE acquitted? Never is the answer.
And what if by chance a man were to accuse a woman of rape? They'd be laughed at and ridiculed beyond belief and the charges would never be brought to court. Just another double standard. I would have told the judge today that unless the prosecution had video evidence of the alleged rape I'd vote to acquit and that is the honest to God way I feel. Just because some fucking whore spreads her legs and later regrets it doesn't mean it's rape. And NO, she's not entitled to an abortion in my book.
So why do I seem like a female male chauvinist? Because I'm sick of the double standard that any intelligent person knows exists. Because I know women think with their hearts and not their heads. If not for a woman's right to vote, we'd have virtually ZERO elected Democrats in this country. The country would be in the black, abortion would be illegal as it should be, the US Supreme Court would consist of 9 Conservatives who'd protect the Constitution, gay marriage would never be legal, and Bill Clinton would be flipping hamburgers or pumping gas somewhere in Arkansas.
So obviously with my superior opinions, which are all right by the way, you can see that no judge would ever allow me to sit on a jury. Which is A-OK in my book. So instead of making a few hundred dollars in two days, I made 15! WOW!!!! I hope I don't spend it all in one spot. Jury Duty, the most stupid and most insulting bullshit I've ever heard of in my life. Thank God I'll never actually have to serve.
And since I thought I was posting this rant on my Dittoheads blog and just noticed otherwise when I went to hit "publish" I guess a few pics of celeb feet are in order. :P By the way, Mistress Andrea is doing much better after two of the roughest weeks of her life. Currently she is resting comfortably on the couch watching TV and will be back at work on Thursday after missing 8 straight days.
After my most recent tour of "duty" that ended this afternoon, nothing has changed my mind. Once again I avoided being put on a jury, a pattern that will continue each time they summon me to the court house. I just spent two full days in jury duty but for at least the next 15 months. I am automatically excused for one year and you can post pone a summons for three more months which I always do.
I had it all planned what I'd say. The case was a rape case involving a young defendant. My plan might sound strange coming from a woman and certainly a conservative woman but it won't be the first or last time an opinion of mine will seem like it's coming from a man.
I sat through two days of watching one potential juror after another be questioned by the judge, and two lawyers. Out of 80 people that were assigned to the court room, 77 were interviewed before a jury of 12 plus 2 alternates were seated. I, thankfully was one of the three left sitting in the audience. I never got or had to say a word and I was dismissed at 3:20pm today.
But had I been questioned I would have told the truth. And the truth is, I absolutely loathe prosecutors with a passion. They think they're King Shit and know everything about everything. The defendant is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty but the cock sucking prosecutors never see it that way, do they?
I first got an incredibly bad taste in my mouth with DAs and prosecutors during the first OJ Simpson trial. Marsha Clark made me want to fucking vomit and so did the black bald headed prosecutor and the despicable pieces of shit from the LAPD. Meanwhile, I idolized every move defense attorney Johnny Cochran made.
Unlike 99% of my fellow whites, I was 100% for OJ and 100% convinced the LAPD fabricated the so called evidence against him. In fact almost all the evidence during the course of the trial was pretty much proven to be planted from the bloody glove on the side of OJ's house, to the large amounts of blood that mysteriously popped up everywhere weeks after the investigation to the phantom bloody socks at the foot of his bed that were nowhere to be seen in the first set of pictures of the bedroom.
Did OJ kill those two slugs? Maybe. Probably. But I could care less. The LAPD was caught in too many lies, the prosecutors were absolutely sickening and far more reasonable doubt was cast than need be. Had I been on the jury I would also have said not guilty.
And this leads me to the charge of rape. It's a word far too many women throw around without regard. And this is in no way directed at real, true rape victims. But as we know, us women are sensitive creatures and very emotional. How often do day after regrets turn into charges of rape? I say very often. And most importantly, how many men sit in prisons today falsely accused and convicted of this heinous act? My prediction is more than 50% of the convicted men in prison today are falsely accused. And when in the hell are women ever brought up on subsequent charges of false accusations when the men ARE acquitted? Never is the answer.
And what if by chance a man were to accuse a woman of rape? They'd be laughed at and ridiculed beyond belief and the charges would never be brought to court. Just another double standard. I would have told the judge today that unless the prosecution had video evidence of the alleged rape I'd vote to acquit and that is the honest to God way I feel. Just because some fucking whore spreads her legs and later regrets it doesn't mean it's rape. And NO, she's not entitled to an abortion in my book.
So why do I seem like a female male chauvinist? Because I'm sick of the double standard that any intelligent person knows exists. Because I know women think with their hearts and not their heads. If not for a woman's right to vote, we'd have virtually ZERO elected Democrats in this country. The country would be in the black, abortion would be illegal as it should be, the US Supreme Court would consist of 9 Conservatives who'd protect the Constitution, gay marriage would never be legal, and Bill Clinton would be flipping hamburgers or pumping gas somewhere in Arkansas.
So obviously with my superior opinions, which are all right by the way, you can see that no judge would ever allow me to sit on a jury. Which is A-OK in my book. So instead of making a few hundred dollars in two days, I made 15! WOW!!!! I hope I don't spend it all in one spot. Jury Duty, the most stupid and most insulting bullshit I've ever heard of in my life. Thank God I'll never actually have to serve.
And since I thought I was posting this rant on my Dittoheads blog and just noticed otherwise when I went to hit "publish" I guess a few pics of celeb feet are in order. :P By the way, Mistress Andrea is doing much better after two of the roughest weeks of her life. Currently she is resting comfortably on the couch watching TV and will be back at work on Thursday after missing 8 straight days.
Heather Graham
Jamie Chung
Selma Blair
Whitney Port
Britney Spears
Monday, 12 July 2010
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Sunday, 11 July 2010
Celeb Feet Update 7/10/10
This blog has been largely ignored lately for various reasons. For one, Mistress Andrea has been totally unable to update lately because her Multiple Sclerosis got really, really bad in the past two weeks. She just missed an entire week of work and doesn't appear to be able to go back anytime soon. She has started an extremely high dose of prednisone which should stop the attack in it's tracks but will leave her with nasty side effects for a while.
For those of you not members of the Tease and Denial Queens, there is some major news over there. After being on the job in a very active role for a week, Keena realized she wasn't Jesus and could not wake the dead. Therefore she, with my total blessing has closed the blog for good, ending a long frustrating period for many of us who put a lot into the blog. We just couldn't get other members to get off their asses and contribute in any way. I feel a great sense of relief now that the blog is closed for business. I was never able to regain control of it but even had I done so I would have done the same exact thing Keena did and close it.
The weather here sucks right now. Shannon and I went out to some yard sales today and about melted. It made my feet really sweaty and when I got home I decided to give Andrea something to smile about and let her smell them but even her sense of smell is way out of whack and she could barely smell them which is the ultimate torment for her. I didn't have to bring my foot up to my nose to smell them however, I could smell them even before I removed my shoes.
Yesterday I was about as pissed as I've been in a long time. After morning reports that the Yankees were on the verge of trading for LHP Cliff Lee, the trade hit a snag by early afternoon and by 2 the Rangers had acquired the lefty ace. I nearly threw up I was so upset. Even though the Pin Stripers have baseballs best record and are clearly the team to beat, had they added Lee to go along with Sabathia, Pettite, Hughes and Burnett in the starting rotation, you could have just ordered the 2010 World Champion rings right then and there. You pretty much can anyway now but with Lee we'd be unstoppable. He'll be a free agent at years end so we'll just sign him then but it would have been awesome to get him now.
I'm also pissed because I have to go to jury duty Monday. There is no single law in this country as asinine as jury duty. 99% of the people can't stand it and don't take it seriously. Like me for instance. I'll do everything possible to get out of it once I'm there but if somehow I get on a jury the fucking son of a bitch will be 100% guilty no matter what in my book just for making me be there. If he isn't guilty of the crime he's being accused of, he's guilty of something else in his life, I guarantee it. And when the lawyers ask my questions they'll get that exact response. So no, there's no way they'll ever put me on a jury. Umm, no thanks assholes you can stick your 15 fucking dollars a day up your asses I'll go make some real money at a real job. And hey liberals, a job is that thing us conservatives wake up early each day to go to while you sleep your lives away, you miserable sacks of shit. You ought to give it a try.
Well it appears Barack O'Monkey is finished just 18 months into his regime. From sea to shining sea Americans now see him for exactly what he is, a maniacal raving leftist lunatic at best and Satan at worst. Most pundits put his re-election at 50/50 but I put it at 20/80. He's lost the white voters forever and should have never had them in the first place. Americans are awakening to the fact that for the very first time in out history we have a president who not only doesn't like the country but is hell bent on bringing it to her knees. As only an Al Qaeda operative can do and yes, he is Al Qaeda make no mistake. Someday I will be proven right, I assure you.
So which Republican will be this generations Ronald Reagan and take the country away from an inept leftist as Reagan did? That's still a good question. The one who has certainly done the most as far as leadership goes is Sarah Palin but I still have doubts about her ability to win a General Election. I think our safest bet remains Mitt Romney but it's still a little early to decide that.
Now to spell check since I'm typing at 100 wpms and likely have made mistakes and also it's time to post some nice pretty feet for Nonsequitur to jack off to.
PS on spell check only two mistakes! I spelled "decide" as deceide and Republican with a lower case R. Not too bad!
1. Alyson Hannigan
2. Cate Blanchett
3. Naomi Watts
4. Mary Louise Parker
5. Florence Griffith Joyner
6. Sophie Marceau
7. Lisa Kudrow
Saturday, 3 July 2010
A video about Nonsequitur
We've warned you about his run ins with the law. See for yourself, this is Nonsequitur himself in this video.
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