As some of you might know I am a secretary at a bottled water company. We have several drivers, all of whom want to worship my feet and fuck me but that's besides the point. Can you blame them however?
For many years I've watched one route man after another come through our branch and almost all of them have one thing in common. This is the flat out stupidity of somehow thinking wearing a fucking tee shirt UNDER their regular work shirt keeps them cooler in the hot summer.
I've got to say, this has got to be the biggest old wives tale I've ever heard. Worse than all old people saying you'll catch a cold if you sleep with a window open or go outside without a jacket. Why in the hell would wearing an extra shirt keep you cool anyway? It's utter stupidity unparalleled in a stupid society. Why not just put on a fucking leather jacket while you're at it, morons.
I've laughed at and questioned every guy I've seen doing this. The answers are many but in general it's "the shirt absorbs the sweat and the cool breeze that goes through hits the sweat on the tee shirt keeps me cool". Where the fuck do I even begin with such ignorance?
First of all the body sweats to keep itself cool. So why do you want to absorb it? Second, you say it absorbs it then you go on to say the under shirt retains it. Which is it? And when in God's name is there ever a breeze and a cool one at that in the middle of summer? And if so, why not just let your outer shirt absorb the sweat and let the "breeze" do it's wonder that way? Why get another shirt in the way?
If you are one of the bozos who wears tee shirts under your regular work shirt for the purpose of "keeping cooler", don't even bother responding to this Susan like rant. By the way, she has the exact opinion on this subject. I've tried this out of curiosity when I go outdoors to work in the yard or wash my car. It's flat out bullshit. It makes you feel 20 degrees hotter.
So if you are one of the buffoons that wears under shirts to keep cooler, which by the way is probably the most asinine thing ever uttered, then how about trying this for logic. In the winter when it's about 20 fucking degrees outside I have something for you to try to help keep you warmer. Go bare back, with no shirt at all!
*crashes head through monitor at the pure ignorance*