In this erotic drama, two women, each sold into prostitution, tell their love stories, both painful and stimulating. In one story, a husband seeks revenge on his wife for her extramarital affair. In the other, a lovely young girl must marry an eight-year old boy. On her wedding night, her lover saves her. Can they escape their fate?
Country: Hong Kong
Language: Cantonese
Subtitle: English (hardsub)
Year: 1991
Genre: Drama, Romance, Cat III
Language: Cantonese
Subtitle: English (hardsub)
Year: 1991
Genre: Drama, Romance, Cat III
Pal Sin, Lam Hei Sin, Cheun Wong, Ko Sou Ching, Lee Sin Oi
Pal Sin, Lam Hei Sin, Cheun Wong, Ko Sou Ching, Lee Sin Oi
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