Today has been an extremely lazy day around here for all three of us. Susan and I went to the coast yesterday and had a miserable time. We go there to escape this insane heat only to find it's in the fucking 90s over there too. They get about 4 or 5 days a year where they get that kind of shit and the rest of the time it's usually in the low 60s. Just our luck, we hit it just right.
It sucked and we only stayed a few hours and then came back home. We did however stop at the Apple Farm in SLO for lunch which always puts a smile on our faces. I got a BBQ meatloaf sandwich which was fantastic and Susan got her usual, a Chili Size. We each got a cobbler for dessert. I got a boysenberry and Susan got a cherry. The great thing about the Apple Farm is that they were smart enough to dump that nasty fucking Coca Cola and all it's shitty sidekicks and go with Pepsi products a few years back. Both of us had a Pepsi.
All three of us have been snoozing off and on today. Susan got up pretty early and went to Save Mart to get the groceries. I slept until almost 10 and Mistress Jen got up after 12. It's depressing to think that the weekend is just about over.
Well, I finally received the official diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis last Thursday. It wasn't at all surprising but to hear the words was still devastating. My lab work is what made the doctor finally confirm it. I had MS lesions on both my brain and spine and my spinal fluid showed abnormalities associated with the disease. With the relapsing symptoms I have had over the years, it all pointed to MS.
Though MS isn't all that common, I fall into the most likely to get it. I'm female, white and in my 20s. Only an estimated 400,000 Americans have it but unfortunately I am one of them. It's rare to receive a definite diagnosis this soon but I am grateful for it. This avoids months and possibly years of endless testing and wondering.
The neurologist thinks that I will have a mild, relapsing form of MS based on a number of findings including the time that elapsed from my very first onset of symptoms to when the second wave began, nearly a year later. This began in my early 20s and in the past I have gone many months and sometimes years in between bouts.
It should be noted that I have never had any disabilities whatsoever and hopefully won't. I've never had loss of control of any limbs, fingers or toes. My most common symptom is muscle soreness and also tingling (pins and needles) through various regions of my body. At times I experience moderate vision blurriness but nothing too bad.
When it's really hot I often feel drained. That sucks because I absolutely love hot showers and now I will have to take luke warm to cool showers. One thing that is most devastating to me is that he said I must avoid sitting in a hot tub at all costs. I love hot tubs and we have been thinking of getting one. But I won't be able to use it. :-(
Now I have no choice but to stop smoking, which is probably for the best anyway. Smoking in people who have MS has been shown to cause brain shrinkage. So I have to stop. Susan hates smokers with a passion anyway and is always on my ass to stop. The doc said he has no problems with me continuing to play softball and sees no reason to quit. I'll probably only play in the winter though so I can avoid the heat.
One potentially bit of worse news is that he said he can not rule out that I also have lupus also. I tested positive on my ANA test and a few days ago I had some facial flushing that looked somewhat like the Malar (Butterfly) rash associated with lupus. He said it's unlikely that I have lupus also but it's not impossible to have two or more autoimmune disorders. That would suck to be sure.
I will meet with him soon to discuss treatment options though he suggested a conservative approach is likely at this point. I actually don't want to get a lot of treatments going because of the side effects. I've been taking 9 Evening Primrose Oil caplets per day which is reported to help with the symptoms of MS and also to slow the progression of the disease. Naturally regular doctors don't approve of this for obvious reasons but many people swear by it. I've been taking it for a week and I've had basically no symptoms since. So who knows.
I'm going to continue to live my life as normal and there's no reason not to. I've suspected for years that I had MS and now I don't need to speculate any longer. I'm not going to let it ruin my life or even get me down. I have 100% faith in God and whatever happens, happens. I'm not happy I have it but that's the way it goes. All of us will more than likely get something bad during the course of our lives. I just got mine at a young age. But it's not a death sentence, just an obstacle. Please don't shed any tears for me because I'm sure not going to.
I'm also glad that Jen and Susan aren't going to change their approach to keeping me in line. I don't want sympathy. I know they are both very sad that I have MS but I don't want them to be. Everything happens for a reason, I truly believe that. Jen is giving me my car back on Tuesday so I look forward to that. I've missed the hell out of it this summer. I just gaze at it in the driveway and wish I could drive it. It's such a great car. Jen did say not to get to comfy in it though because when the weather turns cool, she will take it away again.
It's been four and a half months since I have cum and I'm desperate now. I've never had to endure this much denial and I'm climbing the walls. I get teased often but never get release. I'm also kept on no touch at all times and it's usually enforced through chastity. It's maddening to want to touch so bad but have a steel belt preventing it. Susan has given no hints about when she'll let me cum.
I'm so happy to see my sister contributing to the T&D Queens. I've wanted her to join for so long but something always prevented it. Once she agreed to join, Keena and Miss Melanie wouldn't allow it until recently. This was one of the reasons I wanted to win the ADM election so bad in this past January so I could add her myself. But of course I didn't. I still want to be ADM so bad but I doubt it'll ever happen.
I have posted five of my favorite soap opera actresses showing their beautiful bare feet that I wish I could sniff in the worst way! Especially Ashley Jones. Susan and Jen make sure I never get to sniff any feet these days, including my own. They're so cruel. In a lot of ways, the foot denial is harder to endure than the orgasm denial. But then again if I was allowed to sniff feet like I used to be able to , the orgasm denial would be unbearable.
Have a great week everyone!
1. Jennifer Finnigan
2. Laura Wright
3. Heather Tom
4. Adrienne Frantz
5. Ashley Jones