Monday 31 August 2009

Sunday night update


Today has been an extremely lazy day around here for all three of us. Susan and I went to the coast yesterday and had a miserable time. We go there to escape this insane heat only to find it's in the fucking 90s over there too. They get about 4 or 5 days a year where they get that kind of shit and the rest of the time it's usually in the low 60s. Just our luck, we hit it just right.

It sucked and we only stayed a few hours and then came back home. We did however stop at the Apple Farm in SLO for lunch which always puts a smile on our faces. I got a BBQ meatloaf sandwich which was fantastic and Susan got her usual, a Chili Size. We each got a cobbler for dessert. I got a boysenberry and Susan got a cherry. The great thing about the Apple Farm is that they were smart enough to dump that nasty fucking Coca Cola and all it's shitty sidekicks and go with Pepsi products a few years back. Both of us had a Pepsi.

All three of us have been snoozing off and on today. Susan got up pretty early and went to Save Mart to get the groceries. I slept until almost 10 and Mistress Jen got up after 12. It's depressing to think that the weekend is just about over.

Well, I finally received the official diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis last Thursday. It wasn't at all surprising but to hear the words was still devastating. My lab work is what made the doctor finally confirm it. I had MS lesions on both my brain and spine and my spinal fluid showed abnormalities associated with the disease. With the relapsing symptoms I have had over the years, it all pointed to MS.

Though MS isn't all that common, I fall into the most likely to get it. I'm female, white and in my 20s. Only an estimated 400,000 Americans have it but unfortunately I am one of them. It's rare to receive a definite diagnosis this soon but I am grateful for it. This avoids months and possibly years of endless testing and wondering.

The neurologist thinks that I will have a mild, relapsing form of MS based on a number of findings including the time that elapsed from my very first onset of symptoms to when the second wave began, nearly a year later. This began in my early 20s and in the past I have gone many months and sometimes years in between bouts.

It should be noted that I have never had any disabilities whatsoever and hopefully won't. I've never had loss of control of any limbs, fingers or toes. My most common symptom is muscle soreness and also tingling (pins and needles) through various regions of my body. At times I experience moderate vision blurriness but nothing too bad.

When it's really hot I often feel drained. That sucks because I absolutely love hot showers and now I will have to take luke warm to cool showers. One thing that is most devastating to me is that he said I must avoid sitting in a hot tub at all costs. I love hot tubs and we have been thinking of getting one. But I won't be able to use it. :-(

Now I have no choice but to stop smoking, which is probably for the best anyway. Smoking in people who have MS has been shown to cause brain shrinkage. So I have to stop. Susan hates smokers with a passion anyway and is always on my ass to stop. The doc said he has no problems with me continuing to play softball and sees no reason to quit. I'll probably only play in the winter though so I can avoid the heat.

One potentially bit of worse news is that he said he can not rule out that I also have lupus also. I tested positive on my ANA test and a few days ago I had some facial flushing that looked somewhat like the Malar (Butterfly) rash associated with lupus. He said it's unlikely that I have lupus also but it's not impossible to have two or more autoimmune disorders. That would suck to be sure.

I will meet with him soon to discuss treatment options though he suggested a conservative approach is likely at this point. I actually don't want to get a lot of treatments going because of the side effects. I've been taking 9 Evening Primrose Oil caplets per day which is reported to help with the symptoms of MS and also to slow the progression of the disease. Naturally regular doctors don't approve of this for obvious reasons but many people swear by it. I've been taking it for a week and I've had basically no symptoms since. So who knows.

I'm going to continue to live my life as normal and there's no reason not to. I've suspected for years that I had MS and now I don't need to speculate any longer. I'm not going to let it ruin my life or even get me down. I have 100% faith in God and whatever happens, happens. I'm not happy I have it but that's the way it goes. All of us will more than likely get something bad during the course of our lives. I just got mine at a young age. But it's not a death sentence, just an obstacle. Please don't shed any tears for me because I'm sure not going to.

I'm also glad that Jen and Susan aren't going to change their approach to keeping me in line. I don't want sympathy. I know they are both very sad that I have MS but I don't want them to be. Everything happens for a reason, I truly believe that. Jen is giving me my car back on Tuesday so I look forward to that. I've missed the hell out of it this summer. I just gaze at it in the driveway and wish I could drive it. It's such a great car. Jen did say not to get to comfy in it though because when the weather turns cool, she will take it away again.

It's been four and a half months since I have cum and I'm desperate now. I've never had to endure this much denial and I'm climbing the walls. I get teased often but never get release. I'm also kept on no touch at all times and it's usually enforced through chastity. It's maddening to want to touch so bad but have a steel belt preventing it. Susan has given no hints about when she'll let me cum.

I'm so happy to see my sister contributing to the T&D Queens. I've wanted her to join for so long but something always prevented it. Once she agreed to join, Keena and Miss Melanie wouldn't allow it until recently. This was one of the reasons I wanted to win the ADM election so bad in this past January so I could add her myself. But of course I didn't. I still want to be ADM so bad but I doubt it'll ever happen.

I have posted five of my favorite soap opera actresses showing their beautiful bare feet that I wish I could sniff in the worst way! Especially Ashley Jones. Susan and Jen make sure I never get to sniff any feet these days, including my own. They're so cruel. In a lot of ways, the foot denial is harder to endure than the orgasm denial. But then again if I was allowed to sniff feet like I used to be able to , the orgasm denial would be unbearable.

Have a great week everyone!


1. Jennifer Finnigan
2. Laura Wright
3. Heather Tom
4. Adrienne Frantz
5. Ashley Jones

Sunday 23 August 2009

Catwalk Poison 36 Buruma Aoi

Saturday 15 August 2009

Midnight update


I got another round of teasing and denial from the girls tonight that has left me a quivering, horny mess. Even Shannon got in on the act tonight. Naturally when they had finally had enough of teasing me, they locked me back in the chastity belt. Now I can't sleep. Too frustrating.

I was at the neurologists office three times this week, doing ALL kinds of tests. First off, I did a zillion blood tests to rule out other possible causes of my symptoms. I was tested for like 30 different things, most of which I've never heard of. Some things I was tested for that I had heard of were Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes, Lyme Disease, ALS, Hunington's Disease, Herepes Simplex Encephalitis, and many others. I tested positive for ANA, so at this point lupus can't be counted out, though many people have positive ANA and no lupus.

Then came all kinds of coordination tests, muscle and strength tests, optical tests, reflexes, sensory and hearing tests, and others. He used one of the spiked rolling wheels we use for our bondage games to test different parts of my body to see how I responded to them. He even lightly tickled the soles of my feet to see if I felt it, which I did. (If he only knew).

The results were mixed. In some tests I passed with flying colors, but others I failed badly. The strength in my hands is very poor, some coordination tests I performed poorly in and also some visual tests. With the physical examination, the symptoms I have described to the doctors, and passing all the other blood tests, the early diagnosis from the Neurologist is "Probable MS". It's not even close to a definite diagnosis yet though.

He said even if my MRI tests show lesions on my brain and my spinal tap shows abnormalities next week that the diagnosis will not be Definite MS just yet. I don't get all the things that go into a definite diagnosis but he says sometimes it could take years for that. I asked him what his gut feeling was and he said 95% that it is MS.

There is good news however. He said that given my sex, age of initial onset of symptoms and the length between the first set of symptoms and second set, that was over two years, that it would in all likelihood be a mild and relapsing form. That means probably no residual disabilities and also that it's possible all symptoms could subside for long periods of time in which I'd feel fine. He said there is no reason not to live my life to it's fullest.

Though the news is bad, I feel relieved to finally have some answers. I knew going in that it was MS and it almost certainly is. MS is very unpredictable in it's course. It's different in every person that has it. This makes my future very unknown but I am optimistic. Sure, it's scary and depressing but life goes on and so will I. I have terrific friends, family and a wonderful girlfriend that will always care for me in Susan. When I get a definite diagnosis I will be able to get drugs to control the disease. Unless of course Osambo gets his health care passed, then all bets are off.

The better news is that I am in a remission right now. This week has seen the symptoms disappear and I am feeling really good. I went for a short jog last night and all went well. It's my belief that I have a mild form of Multiple Sclerosis and I am not going to let it get me down. Yes, there will be times that it does but I'm going to take it day by day, and today I feel fine.

Jen offered to give me my car back but I told her that I have enjoyed being punished all summer and that I can wait until November like she had planned. I miss my car a lot and am humiliated driving the one I'm now driving. It's hotter than hell and slower than shit. I also miss having orgasms more than you'll ever know. For a girl who used to have at least 700 per year, going down to zero in three months is extremely difficult. But my orgasms are not my orgasms right now to have. Nor is my car mine to drive. I serve Susan and Mistress Jen and they deserve the good stuff. With the bad health news, it makes it so much easier to know that my wish to fully explore my submissive fantasies is being full filled. Some day Susan and I will trade places again and I'll revert to my Dommish ways. Maybe even get my black, musty Mistress boots back if Susan hasn't thrown them away. I still don't know for sure if she did but I really hope not. A lot of sweat has gone into those boots over the years and it would be a crime to have lost them.

It also looks like I will lose $500.00. Before the baseball season, Susan and I made a bet that whoever's team finished with a better record would receive the money from the loser. Early in the year my Dodgers were so far ahead of the Yankees, I was encouraging her to pay up already. Even she thought she'd owe me. But the Yankees are the Yankees and though the Dodgers have still played well, the Yanks are playing out of their minds and have the best record in the majors, now a few games better than my Dodgers. But the Dodgers are still better than those pussy Phillies. *sticks tongue out at Joyce Marie*

Some of you have emailed me regarding my health issues and I really appreciate it. Though the diagnosis is more certain now, I still insist on not receiving any sympathy. I have told Susan and Jen the same. I've lived a very sinful life. I cheated on tests all through high school, smoked dope, smoked cigarettes, live in a lesbian relationship, harbor extremely racist feelings, cuss like a sailor, drink alcohol in excess at times, am judgemental, hypocritical, and selfish. I've gone into stores and stolen things, vandalized people's properties, and I used to be mean to Susan's cats. I'm very sorry for these things and have repented from almost all of them but still have demons like everyone does. A few years ago, with the help from Susan, I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour. I was baptized and pray to the Lord on a daily basis.

I know in my heart that I am forgiven from my sins by God and will go to haven. "Whosoever calls upon His name shall be saved". But what it doesn't say is that your sins will go unpunished. Since God will not punish me beyond the grave, he does so in the flesh. I truly believe that. I've sewn sour seeds in my life and am now reaping the consequences. It's not something I like but it's something I deserve. Therefore I desire no sympathy. It'll be a challenge at times but I'll live my life to it's fullest.

One of my loves in life is female feet in case you had not noticed. :P Though all feet including my own are off limits most of the time now, I can still dream about them. So let's look at five more sets of female celeb feet right now!!


Alexa Rae
Gillian Anderson
Gwyneth Paltrow
Robin Tunney

Tuesday 11 August 2009

Monday update 8/10/09


Above we see yet more overwhelming evidence of "global warming". Of course the freak show crowd who worships this lie like a religion will tell us that the cool temperatures are evidence of global warming. So are tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, snow, wind, rain, lack of rain, you name it, they continue to insult our intelligence on a daily basis. It warms my heart to see polls showing that more and more people by the day are now seeing this for what it is, a pure political power grab and the greatest hoax in the history of the world. How it took so long for people to finally start figuring this out is mind blowing. A second grader would have no problems blowing holes the size of asteroids right through this "theory".

In this neck of the woods, one might have an easier time falling for global warming because it's always hotter than hell here for 8 months out of the year. But that's why they call it "Sunny California". Always has been, always will be, unless you are lucky enough to live on the coast. But in this hell hole San Joaquin Valley, it's fucking hot.

The bad news for me is that I very well could officially be diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis soon. The good news is that if I am, Mistress Jen will let me have my car back because hot environments like the car I've been made to drive all summer could be bad for me. For the record, I hope to NOT be diagnosed and have to keep driving the clunker.

Right now I'm tempted to go out in the fucking back yard and shoot the neighbors dogs. In two separate yards, they have been barking non stop for several hours. I'm not amused. Luckily we keep one of those air purifiers in our bedroom and the sound drowns out all noises. Maybe we'll just get Joyce Marie over here to keep the dogs "occupied".

Just a few more days until Miss Melanie will be at Bonita's for a few days. While the majority of the women seem to be dying for this to happen, I am not. Melanie is not a sub and not even remotely close to being prepared for what she'll be enduring. I think Melanie thinks Bonita will take it easy on her because they have never even met. I know for a fact that Bonita will be every bit as hard on her. Melanie is a very little woman and I am worried that she won't be able to withstand the cruelty Bonita will do to her. Susan is a lot stronger than Melanie and she comes home in the state of shock at times after being with Bonita. I do pray that she will hold up OK but it'll be the worst 72 hours of her entire life, I can pretty much assure you of that. :-(

Here's some celeb feet pics!


Ashley Simpson
Estella Warren
Amy Acker
Tara Reid
Sally Field

Sunday 9 August 2009

2nd Saturday update!


I just had a nice chat with my old friend Butrfly in the chat room at Tantalism. I'm hoping she'll join the new T&D Queens site.

We learned earlier today that Nonsequitur was arrested late last night for picking up a prostitute. The prostitute wound up being an under cover police officer. When they searched Non's car, they found several loaded guns as well as several pictures of Tennessee Titans players as well as pictures of Kurt Warner. Police also discovered the phrase "One fucking more yard" carved into the dashboard of Non's 1976 Lincoln Continental. He was released from jail early this morning and faces 10 days in jail. When reporters asked Non a question when he was leaving the jail, he barked back "I hate the fucking Rams"! What Non does not realize is that I'M a Ram's fan and his act is growing old. Memo to Non. I know you are still bitter and think the Rams were simply "lucky" but get over it already. As Jim Rome would say, "Scoreboard". And the scoreboard still reads Rams 23 - Titans 16.

As for Joyce Marie, she has gone an entire week without trouble from the law. In her adult life, this is a record. As for me, I have gone the past three hours with no tingling sensations, dizziness, aches, pains, blurred vision, numbness or muscle tremors. Also a record for me. As for Obama, he/it hasn't raised any taxes in the last ten minutes, DEFINITELY a record for him/it.

Take a look at some celeb feet!


1. Beyonce Knowles (singer)
2. Halle Berry (actress)
3. Glenn Close (porn star)
4. Emma Bunton (daughter of Lauren)
5. Avril Lavigne (skateboarder)
6. Sarah Michelle Gellar (actress who is currently pregnant with Dariusz's baby)

Saturday 8 August 2009

Lolita Collection Vol. 1 – Nao Tachibana


Lolita Collection Vol. 1 – Nao Tachibana

Friday 7 August 2009


Every day that goes by, the above statement is proving to be more and more accurate. It still blows my mind that he has people who think he's doing a good job. Wow.

I went to bed over an hour ago but couldn't sleep. I have so many tingling sensations darting all over my body tonight it's just ridiculous. It feels like when your arm or leg is going to sleep but all over. Today, I received the first bit of likely bad news when all the blood work came back normal. That's bad because they did the blood work to look for other possible causes besides MS. I had hoped that it would be some sort of vitamin deficiency or something but it wasn't. MS doesn't show in blood work.

Next week I will be going in for an MRI and spinal tap. If lesions show on my brain, then it will mean I likely have it, though I have been advised that a definite diagnosis is not likely because it takes time to do that. That sucks, because it also would mean no medication until a definite diagnosis. It's fucking depressing. I have no immediate relative with the disease, so my odds of ever getting it are 1 in 750. I am white and female, so that would increase my odds a bit. But still, 1 in 750 and I get it. :( My best hope is that it will turn out to be "Relapsing MS" and not progressive. I think it probably is because I often get symptoms that clear up rather quickly after getting them and they often don't come back at all or if they do, several months pass between. Yesterday, I simply couldn't button my pants because my hands and fingers were so weak, but today they were fine and even feel strong. Too weird.

Oh well, enough of my whining. I'm just glad I opened up about this so I don't have to hide it anymore. I'm sure as big a bitch as I've been over the years, not too many people have sympathy for me. And like I said before, if I do indeed have MS, I probably deserve it.

I was sad to see that the T&D Queens has met it's demise. But it isn't surprising. It happens to blogs all the time for one reason or another. That's why I went private on my Word Press blog. Even that got locked for a few hours once but unlike Blogger, Word Press actually reviewed it quickly and unlocked it and even sent me a personal email, apologizing. Word Press doesn't have as many widgets as Blogger and the customization features aren't good at all though, but the pictures come out so much bigger and nicer. Overall I probably think Blogger is the better service but their response to locked blogs is unbelievably pathetic.

Miss Melanie also deleted all the posts over there. Well over a thousand posts gone just like that. How depressing. I guess I don't blame her though. It looks like she will make one more run at it on the back up blog, which is now the main blog. She'll privatize it and I think it's a great idea if enough people join. If not, then what the hell is the point of going on? If any of my blogs suffers another lock down, I may just retire from the blogging world. Or maybe just start a real website some day.

Still no orgasm for me. Jen and Susan have been relentless with their teasing but no relief for me. I'm going insane with need and they know it. Maybe if I'm diagnosed with MS next week they will take pity on me and let me cum. LOL Just kidding. I DO hope they let me cum, but not because of that. I don't want or deserve any pity from anyone. It's not to say I couldn't use friends and encouragement, but no pity.

OK, after this long post, I'm now feeling tired and actually some of the tingling has let up a bit, or so it seems. Below are five more pictures of female celebs showing off their beautiful feetsies. :-)


Katie Couric (employee of State Run CBS News)
Jenna Jameson (played the role of Greg Brady on the 1970s sitcom "The Brady Bunch)
Virginia Madsen (actress)
Sarah Jessica Parker (in a recent interview with Billy Graham, she admitted to having sex with over 5,000 black men in her lifetime)
Adrianne Frantz (soap actress who was recently voted to having the smelliest feet, possibly in the history of the earth)

Sunday 2 August 2009

Celeb feet update 8/1/09


I dropped Susan off at Bonita's very early this morning for her three day stay. When the alarm went off at 4am, she rolled over and turned it off and said she was thinking of not going. Jen slept in our bed last night though and she heard what Susan said and ordered her to go. I didn't really want her to be gone for three days but she is and now neither Susan or I have any say about it.

Once the door closes behind you at Bonita's you are pretty much at her mercy. She removes all your clothes and locks them up in a cedar chest in her bedroom. She dead bolts the door and hides the keys. Even if you went out a window, you'd have no clothes at all and would not be able to go anywhere. You can't sneak out back because her dog will have you for dinner. You aren't allowed to bring a cell phone and she keeps her own phone in her bedroom which is always locked. So pretty much, you're fucked once you are there. If you don't cooperate fully with her during your stay she'll just keep you longer than you were supposed to be there. So basically you are totally at her mercy when you are there and she takes full advantage of the situation.

I was hoping that when Susan was gone she'd remove the chastity belt from me. No such luck. She just gave the keys to Mistress Jen and told her definitely no orgasm for me while she is away. :( I'm beginning to wonder if she'll allow me to cum the rest of this year. I need one soooooooooooooooo bad it's not even funny. Maybe at least Jen will let me worship her feet this weekend. :P

All MS symptoms are dormant for the past couple days so that makes me happy. You just never know when you'll get some other weird thing happen to you. I miss playing softball but being out in the heat isn't good for me. I also miss hot showers. Hot weather and water have been known to make MS symptoms much worse so I have to take cool to luke warm showers now. It totally sucks.

I'll be in charge of this blog until Susan returns. So today I have chosen some more celeb feet, highlighted by the great Ashley Jones from the Bold and the Beautiful. Her feet are just about as perfect as I've ever seen on a woman. I can only imagine how they smell. *whimpers*


1. Ashley Jones (Goddess)
2. Gong Li (black actress)
3. Liz Berkley (ambassador to Ireland)
4. Alyssa Milano (actress)
5. Rebecca Romijn (former lover of Lauren)