Friday 7 August 2009


Every day that goes by, the above statement is proving to be more and more accurate. It still blows my mind that he has people who think he's doing a good job. Wow.

I went to bed over an hour ago but couldn't sleep. I have so many tingling sensations darting all over my body tonight it's just ridiculous. It feels like when your arm or leg is going to sleep but all over. Today, I received the first bit of likely bad news when all the blood work came back normal. That's bad because they did the blood work to look for other possible causes besides MS. I had hoped that it would be some sort of vitamin deficiency or something but it wasn't. MS doesn't show in blood work.

Next week I will be going in for an MRI and spinal tap. If lesions show on my brain, then it will mean I likely have it, though I have been advised that a definite diagnosis is not likely because it takes time to do that. That sucks, because it also would mean no medication until a definite diagnosis. It's fucking depressing. I have no immediate relative with the disease, so my odds of ever getting it are 1 in 750. I am white and female, so that would increase my odds a bit. But still, 1 in 750 and I get it. :( My best hope is that it will turn out to be "Relapsing MS" and not progressive. I think it probably is because I often get symptoms that clear up rather quickly after getting them and they often don't come back at all or if they do, several months pass between. Yesterday, I simply couldn't button my pants because my hands and fingers were so weak, but today they were fine and even feel strong. Too weird.

Oh well, enough of my whining. I'm just glad I opened up about this so I don't have to hide it anymore. I'm sure as big a bitch as I've been over the years, not too many people have sympathy for me. And like I said before, if I do indeed have MS, I probably deserve it.

I was sad to see that the T&D Queens has met it's demise. But it isn't surprising. It happens to blogs all the time for one reason or another. That's why I went private on my Word Press blog. Even that got locked for a few hours once but unlike Blogger, Word Press actually reviewed it quickly and unlocked it and even sent me a personal email, apologizing. Word Press doesn't have as many widgets as Blogger and the customization features aren't good at all though, but the pictures come out so much bigger and nicer. Overall I probably think Blogger is the better service but their response to locked blogs is unbelievably pathetic.

Miss Melanie also deleted all the posts over there. Well over a thousand posts gone just like that. How depressing. I guess I don't blame her though. It looks like she will make one more run at it on the back up blog, which is now the main blog. She'll privatize it and I think it's a great idea if enough people join. If not, then what the hell is the point of going on? If any of my blogs suffers another lock down, I may just retire from the blogging world. Or maybe just start a real website some day.

Still no orgasm for me. Jen and Susan have been relentless with their teasing but no relief for me. I'm going insane with need and they know it. Maybe if I'm diagnosed with MS next week they will take pity on me and let me cum. LOL Just kidding. I DO hope they let me cum, but not because of that. I don't want or deserve any pity from anyone. It's not to say I couldn't use friends and encouragement, but no pity.

OK, after this long post, I'm now feeling tired and actually some of the tingling has let up a bit, or so it seems. Below are five more pictures of female celebs showing off their beautiful feetsies. :-)


Katie Couric (employee of State Run CBS News)
Jenna Jameson (played the role of Greg Brady on the 1970s sitcom "The Brady Bunch)
Virginia Madsen (actress)
Sarah Jessica Parker (in a recent interview with Billy Graham, she admitted to having sex with over 5,000 black men in her lifetime)
Adrianne Frantz (soap actress who was recently voted to having the smelliest feet, possibly in the history of the earth)