Wednesday, 23 February 2011

He's my man!

The day after the 08 election, I immediately said Newt was my guy for 2012.  Then I changed my mind and went with Mitt Romney.  Then Huckabee.  Then Rick Perry then back to Romney and then back to Perry.  One person I've continued to stay away from like the plague is Sarah Palin. 

For the past few months I've heard rumblings about Donald Trump running for President as a Republican and admittedly I never gave it much thought.  I really thought he was thinking of running because of his ego and didn't think he was even serious about it in general.  Well, no longer do I think that.

Not only do I think Donald Trump is serious about running, I think he's easily the best and most qualified candidate we've seen since Ronald Reagan.  And I also think he'd probably make the greatest President we've ever seen.  It's time to stop looking to career politicians to run this country but instead look to a proven business man.  This country teeters on the abyss at this very moment.

Maybe we can somehow survive four years of total incompetence by a man who's not even qualified to run a dog shelter let alone be the leader of the free world.  But four additional years would cast us into eternal darkness if we're not already there.  I think even the most loyal Democrats can now admit that Barack Obama is a complete and utter failure in every single aspect of the job, both foreign and domestic.  Jimmy Carter seems like a celebrated four star general and the greatest leader ever by comparison.  Again, you don't hire a boy to do a man's job.

Now while Donald Trump certainly deserves to be President simply because of his all time verbal beat down of the disgusting, liberal piece of shit Rosie O' Pig a few years back, he brings many, many, many more qualifications to the table.   As a conservative I had to wait to hear his position on abortion before I could get behind him and he has come out as 100% Pro Life.  The rest is history.

Take a look at a couple videos of The Donald and hopefully this will be an inspiration to the fellow I emailed today that is seeking better employment for both he and his wife.  This man will make a more prosperous nation for all of us.

Oh and finally to the idiot Ron Paul supporters.  Like Trump says, Ron Paul CAN'T win.  Get over it.  Besides he'd be 77 during the next election.  We simply must nominate someone who can beat Obama and I have no doubt Trump would mop the floor with that douchebag. 


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