Saturday, 13 February 2010

Stunning news

Susan and I have received stunning and heart breaking news tonight.  While standing on a street corner in Memphis with a "Fred Thompson for President 2012" sign Friday afternoon, a group of middle eastern men grabbed Nonsequitur and threw him into a van.

Like most camel jockeys, these thugs were connected to Al Queda.  As anyone with a brain knows, a Conservative Republican is the last thing terrorists want in the White House and Nonsequitur payed a heavy price for his support of Fred Thompson.

The price he payed was his life.  An hour after abducting Nonsequitur, Al Queda put out this photo of Nonsequitur on Al Jazeera TV.

Perhaps the bars and fancy restaurants in the Greater Memphis area are now a safer place without Nonsequitur frequently erupting about the Titans loss to the "lucky" Rams in the Super Bowl all those years ago but this blog will certainly be a lonlier place without him.  Thoughts and prayers with his family, friends and harem.

Andrea   :-(