Wednesday 31 March 2010

Celeb feet update 3/30/10


I have added one more author to this blog to ensure it’ll keep humming along while I’m the ADM of the T&D Queens.  Kirstie is our newest member here, joining me, Jen and Miss Melanie.  Kirstie is a good writer and should be a nice addition to this blog.

I took a vacation day today and have been lazy.  I slept until nearly 10am. It made me feel like a Democrat, being that lazy and sleeping late.  Last night I washed my car and  put Black Magic on the tires and it looked great.  And wouldn't you know it, it's raining today. :/

When I called Kirstie last night to ask her to join this blog, she said she had the day off today so we made plans to have lunch and hang out together today.  I almost never get a chance to hang out with just her so it should be fun.  We are going to Javi's Mexican Restaurant for lunch.

I need to pick Kirstie up in a half hour or so, so let's get to the part of the update Nonsequitur and Limittest literally wait up all night for, female feet! Enjoy boys!


Jessica Simpson (niece of Nonsequitur and as you can see her feet are her second best body part! )

Lindsay Lohan (currently a prisoner at Château d'if and also a woman who's feet are her second best bodily feature)

Kim Kardashian (Armenian girl who tends to date monkeys and also a girl who's feet are her second best bodily feature)

Mariah Carey (singer who once fucked the entire Miami Dolphins football team, including coach Jimmy Johnson in 1998 and another woman who's feet... well you get the point.)

Jenny McCarthy (let's cut the crap and call it what it is, a Celebrity Tits Update)! 

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Celeb feet update 3/29

Good afternoon,

Despite being the new ADM of the Tease and Denial Queens, I do not intend on neglecting this blog in any way.  I do have a lot of blogs to run though including this one, the Queens, the Queens back up blog which strangely I am not a member of yet, my little used Xanga blog and my private Word Press blog.  That's a lot to handle.  But celeb feet are my thing so this blog comes second only to the T&D Queens.

It's a shitty sunny warm day here today but supposedly rain and much cooler temps are on the way starting Wednesday.  I had 4 hours of comp time today so I got off at noon.  I went to the mall and bought another pair of Crocs.  This is my third pair. I have a hot pink pair, a black pair and this time I bought a red pair.  See pic below.

 Needless to say these shoes are extremely comfortable and light.  I wear them often.  I know that they're not very becoming of a Domme, but oh well.  I love them and like the old saying goes, if the shoe fits get one in every color.  And I will!

What a shitty Final 4 we've got this year in the NCAA Tournament.  We've got Butler, West Virginia, Michigan State and Puke.  I hope Butler wins or even WV.  I'm sick and tired of always seeing the boring, under talented Michigan State and their dippy looking coach Tom Izzo in the Final 4 seemingly every other year.  I loved Magic Johnson when he was with the Lakers but I'm sick of seeing him at every single MSU game and the camera on him on every other play. Get over yourself Magic.  

As for the Puke Blue Devils, pardon me while I fucking vomit.  Is it me or does Coach K go find his players at the all caucasion gay bar every year?  Every year Puke has a team full of the most pansy ass looking white queers you've ever seen.  From Christian Laettner, to Bobby Hurley to WoJo, to Cherokee Parks to Ron Paulus to the current group of fudge packs, it's ridiculous.  And you wonder why Puke University players never make it in the pros?  And don't even get me going on the refs bending over backwards for the Blue Devils every single year. They'll probably win the Final 4 but I want anyone but them.

After  Tennessee's 70-69 loss to MSU in the regional final yesterday our friend Nonsequitur went on another rage.  He went absolutely crazy when the final buzzer sounded and immediately took to the streets om Memphis throwing large rocks through windows.  Finally he set fire to Vols head coach Bruce Pearl's house.  See picture below. 

 Now onto a much happier subject, some pictures of female celebrity feet.



 Angella Faith (former bondage actress)

Debra Messing (actress)

 Sarah Michelle Gellar (actress)

Shannon Miller (former porn star)

Jennifer Garner (daughter of Nonsequitur)

Sunday 28 March 2010

Celebrity feet update 3/27/2010


In just two or three hours I'll finally take over as ADM of the Tease and Denial Queens blog.  Bonita is transferring it over a few days early because she is going into the hospital for surgery on Monday. 

I'm really looking forward to the challenge of this job.  I'll try my best to be around here as much as possible too but in case I'm not Miss Melanie and Mistress Jen will be here.  I've talked to Jen about trying to be more active than she usually is so we'll see.

I am looking for a few new members for the private blog.  I do have a few requirements though.  The absolute number one requirement I'm looking for is active participation.  It doesn't have to be all the time but a word or sentence here and there would be nice.  Blog posts are great but just occasional feedback will be great.  I absolutely will not tolerate dead asses on the blog as a few members will surely find out in a few hours.

I also do not want thin skinned people with no sense of humor.  Basically if you are politically correct, you need not bother coming to my blog.  I constantly crush liberals for the pathetic people they are and also crack numerous racial jokes.  If you don't like this stuff, that's cool but this blog certainly is not for you.

I don't mind having liberals on the blog as long as they don't try to push their weird perversions on the rest of us.  The only politics will be far right wing conservative or blasting liberal ideas and politicians.  Pretty much anything goes.  I won't tolerate hatefulness towards any members on the blog however, even if they are liberal.  (They may have been born with the disorder).

One final thing I will never have on the blog is gay male porn.  I've decided to allow male orgasm denial stories, pictures or even bondage but no way will I allow any fudge packer garbage on the blog.  I don't think any of my male subs on the blog are that way anyway.  As for lesbianism, GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!  Yes, I'm a hypocrite, deal with it.

What I'm really wanting is people that like bondage pictures, teasing and denial, tickling, sports, and politics.  The blog is usually updates several times per week.  I also like people with humor.  Like saying bondage model Chanta Rose is the sister of Nonsequitur or something like that.  Better yet like Joyce Marie's updates.  Her's are always first class in every way and if you do join, look for some of her posts and you'll know what I like in a member.

If you were a member of the blog and suddenly find yourself unable to log into the blog, you are one of the ones I got rid of due to lack of participation.  Believe me, I've been keeping track for a very long time and I know who's a contributor and who isn't.  You have nobody to blame but yourself. 

Now that the blog will be back in the rightful household, I can not guarantee the ADM elections will continue.  They likely will but I won't promise it.  After today I will be the ADM of 4 different blogs. 

If you are interested and qualified to be a member of the blog you can email me at 



Now for some nice sweaty celeb feet!

(When will they ever come out with a "download smell" option? ? ?)

                                                                   Ashlee Simpson

Annette Benning

Drew Barrymore

Florence Griffith Joyner

Bridgette Bardot

Friday 26 March 2010

For Nonsequitur

Thursday 25 March 2010

1st post


As Andrea's new assistant on this blog, I figured I'd please her right away. As many of you know, fetish and bondage star Kendra James is her favorite. So I ran across this video while looking for pictures of Kendra's feet. I'm quite sure Mistress Andrea is going to enjoy this immensely.

Tuesday 23 March 2010

S Model Vol. 22 – Satsuki Aoyama (SMD-22)

S Model Vol. 22 - Satsuki Aoyama (SMD-22)

3 and a half years later and it never gets old

December 30th, 2006...  A night that will go down in infamy for all liberals.  One of their all time heroes, Saddam Hussein (yes the same middle name as Obama) is executed.  To this day the libs still hold Saddam in higher regard than George W. Bush and they claim it should have been Bush hanging instead.

One bit of good news

Main Content

Acorn folds - Ben Smith: Acorn foldsMarch 22, 2010

Categories:Misc.Acorn folds

The national group ACORN is folding, an official there, Kevin Whelan, said in an emailed statement:

The ACORN Association Board met on Sunday March 21 and approved a set of steps to responsibly manage the process of bringing its operations to a close over the coming months. These include:

* Closing ACORN’s remaining state affiliates and field offices by April 1st; and

* Developing a plan to resolve all outstanding debts, obligations and other issues.

ACORN’s members have a great deal to be proud of--from promoting to homeownership to helping rebuild New Orleans, from raising wages to winning safer streets, from training community leaders to promoting voter participation—ACORN members have worked hard to create stronger to communities, a more inclusive democracy, and a more just nation.

ACORN was always a very decentralized group, with a great deal of its activity and power concentrated in local chapters from New York to Arkansas -- the strongest of which will survive. The collapse of the national group, though, reflects the impact of a conservative assault that never prompted any prosecutions.

Posted by Ben Smith 03:04 PM
So long you fucking cock suckers!!!!!!!!!!

3/22/10 update

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Monday 22 March 2010

Sunday 3/21/10


I am having a lazy day.  I didn't wake up until 9:30am and I still feel sleepy.  Once again it's a hot miserable day so I'll probably stay inside most of the day with the AC going.  Most of you in other parts of the country probably can't fathom running the air in March but just be lucky you don't live in this shitty state. 

I do have to go to Walgreens to get a new battery for the digital camera though.  Believe it or not I have on sneakers AND socks today so the people at the store will not have the honor of seeing my feet.  Nonsequitur is still after me to come to Memphis and smother him with my bare feet but I refuse to do so. He's such a pervert.

I have been enjoying watching the NCAA basketball tournament.  My team (Oklahoma) isn't in it this year but sometimes that can make it more enjoyable to watch.  In my bracket I picked Syracuse, Kentucky, Louisville and Kansas with Syracuse beating Kentucky in the final.  Two of my final four are gone but Kentucky and the Cuse are still alive and looking totally dominant. Nonsequitur has said that if Tennessee doesn't win the hole thing he plans on killing himself. Yes, he's weird.

As many now know, Joyce Marie was once married.  She divorced him mainly because he had such a tiny cock.  Joyce's philosophy is "unless he's packin 12 inches he aint shit".  He exact words.  Her ex husband is named Pee Wee and she sent me a picture to justify why she left him.  Take a look.

Well... I guess I can see her point.  But why did she marry him in the first place?  According to Joyce he promised a ton of clitoral attention before they married but when Pee Wee saw that his cock was smaller than Joyce's clit he became very bitter and resentful.  So in the 7 months they were married, Pee Wee had 48 orgasms and Joyce had just one, from an extra marital affair with another woman. 

Now let's take a look at some better pictures!


Lucy Liu

Hilary Swank

Nicole Richie

Molly Ringwald

Marion Jones

Sunday 21 March 2010

Celeb feet update 3/20/10


I have had a very busy day.  First of all it took me hours to go through all the feedback I got on my post on the T&D blog last night.  As usual, the response was a bit overwhelming. 

This morning I went to the grocery store and got all of our groceries for the week.  It was hot as hell out today (80 fucking degrees) so I wore shorts and flip flops.  It was obvious everyone in the entire store was lusting after my feet.  And who can blame them?

But yes, it's a very depressing time of year with the time change and the weather quickly changing.  We were having a great year rain wise for the first time in several years and then in true Central California fashion the valve just totally shut off in March and more than likely we'll wind up below average in seasonal rainfall once again.  And in more true California fashion we're 13-15 degrees above normal as we always seem to be.  I don't know how much more of this worthless state I can take.  ***pukes***

In the afternoon I started trolling for a new member for this blog to help me out when I take over as ADM on the TD blog April 1st.  I am extremely happy to announce the return of Miss Melanie to the blogging world and welcome her to this blog.  I have also struck a deal with her to be one of my assistant ADMS on the other blog once I take over.  Bonita will be my other.  With my MS and Bonita's diverticulitis I wanted a proven leader to be there to assist us just in case.

If you click on Miss Melanie's profile on this blog it'll be different than her profile on the other blog.  She had deleted her email address she used for her first blogger profile so there was no way I could send the invite to it.  She had to use a different email address and create a new Blogger account.  It's still the same woman though and I'm glad she is here.

I had to get a good laugh reading some of the horse shit coming out of these Democrats mouths today.  There are some who actually think passing the health bill is going to help them in November.  Obviously Democrats are incredibly fucking stupid by nature but this shows how totally out of touch they really are.  There's never been more outrage in this country and passing this bill is going to doom that party for years to come.  That's the good news.  The bad news is that the bill will fuck us for decades to come.  Enjoy your last few months in charge Dems, it'll be a loooooooooong time before that happens again.  At least now the American people can see what these worthless fucking scum bags stand for. 

Tonight I ran two miles and rode my bike for five.  Before the MS got serious last summer I could run ten miles.  Realistically I can not get back to that level. I'm getting older and even now when the MS is dormant I can still feel some pretty bad calf pain on the runs.  My goal is to be able to run 4-5 miles but it'll take hard work and luck with my health to achieve that.  With the really hot weather around the corner I fear my MS will really flare up again like MS tends to do in hot environments.  Another reason to loathe the summer.

I was bummed to see that Bonita is now considering having the General Election for the ADM Election after all.  She said she wasn't going to run because of her health but now she's feeling more up to it.  She even changed the template of the blog today and added her name to the title.  If she wants to do the election it is up to her.  She is entitled to change her mind.  I think I'd beat her but it would be just my luck that after finally being within a few days of running the blog, I'd lose to her and remain right where I've always been. 

As I said, I was wearing flip flops at the store today and so were a lot of other girls.  I was wishing I was invisible so I could bend down and get a whiff of all their pretty feet.  But it does make me more interested in posting pics of women's feet so here you go...


Amy Acker

Lisa Kudrow and Courtney Cox

Hannah Waterman

Pam Anderson

Glenn Close

Tuesday 16 March 2010


So it looks as though I might actually win the ADM Primary.  Why did I think I'd feel so much better than I do?  I almost feel like I'm about to be elected to lead the US out of debt, something impossible.  What can anyone do to lead that fucking blog out of the doldrums that it's been in for months and months?

I hate to admit this but I almost regret running.  Now if I were leading with 20-25 votes that would be one thing.  But here we fucking go yet again.  14 total votes out of 39 people.  Jesus H. Christ!   And I'm sure if I were to make a list of the worthless mother fuckers who can't take one second to cast a vote, it would be dead on.  It's completely ridiculous.

So I'm here to say this.  Thank you very much to the 7 whole people who voted for me.  I honestly do appreciate it.  If elected I'll do my best but believe me, if I lose the election, I won't lose any sleep.  In fact, I have a bad feeling I'll lose sleep should I win.  I will make one promise though, if I do win I'm going to eliminate all who I feel are worthless to the blog, which will cut the members at least in half and if that doesn't work, heads will definitely fucking roll after that.  Fair warning.

Angry Andrea

Sunday 7 March 2010

Celeb feet update 3-6

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Wednesday 3 March 2010

Celeb update 3/2/10


I'm home for lunch on a beautiful, rainy day.  I picked up some Taco Bell on the way home and it was good.  I had an Enchirito and a Cheesy Gordita Crunch.  I also had a large Baja Blast Mountain Dew.  Dariusz can only eat his heart out about this flavor.

But nothing tops the Cheesy Gordita Crunch in my opinion.  I could eat these every meal of the day.

Speaking of Dariusz, he sent me a rather long and incoherent email regarding his ongoing hemorrhoid problem.  He usually sends these emails to Susan as if she's a doctor or something but this time he chose me.  I found it rather odd. 

Anyway, I need to get back to work soon so here's a few pics to get the boy's little peckers all worked up.

Amanda Peet

Carmen Electra

Cindy Crawford

Dominique Swain