Sunday 30 May 2010

Celeb feet 5/29


A late, late night feet update!  I went out about 9pm tonight to wash my car and wound up waxing it and detailing the inside.  Yes, I know I have a sub to do that for me but I kind of feel sorry for her because her Celtics are going to get the horse shit slapped out of them in the NBA Finals by the soon to be 16 time World Champion Los Angeles Lakers.  My prediction 4 games to 1.

Today we got some new neighbors as two young sisters moved next door to us.  They were unloading the U Haul while I was peeking through a knot hole in the fence.  They both look in their 20s, rather hot and both were wearing shorts and flip flops.  I'm not as concerned about how long before I meet them but rather how long before my nose meets the soles of their feet. 

While I make this update I am shocked that our dog Pepper is laying under the desk by my feet.  She's usually right at Susan's side and Susan is in bed sleeping.  I was out washing my car in the warm weather with sneakers and no socks so perhaps this dog is attracted to my feet right now.  Who could really blame her?

As Susan mentioned on the other blog tonight, I have been kicking some major ass on Craigslist and Ebay.  Mainly Craigslist though.  Since starting this I've averaged netting about $200-250 a week.  Lots of massages are coming!  But no happy endings in sight.  I've now gone 13 full months without an orgasm and I've decided to put it off at least through August.  So a minimum of three more months of constant arousal for this horny bitch.  I know, I'm insane.

I have been feeling pretty decent lately surprisingly with the weather getting warmer.  I've had some lightheadedness and tiredness and one day with no smell or taste but other than that not too shabby.  But could you imagine me with no SMELL?  That would blow.

Now for some sexy, sweaty feet!


1. Adrienne Frantz
2. Christina Applegate
3. Fergie
4. Tabitha Soren
5. Valeria Mazza


Friday 28 May 2010

Hot Denise Milani On a Motorcycle

Denise Milani was born on 24 April 1980 in Frystek-Mistek (former Czechoslovakia, now Czech Republic).Denise Milani emigrated to the United States, where she began a career as a physiotherapist. He lives in southern California.
Milani started her career in 2005 after being discovered by SPORTSbyBROOKS. She has quickly become one of the most incandescently hot models on the entire planet and she’s showing absolutely no signs of slowing down.She was crowned Miss Bikini World 2007.With breasts as large as hers, it’s no surprise that many people wonder whether they are real? The Czech-born internet model maintains an active blog and firmly maintains that her boobs are natural (I can’t imagine what each boob weighs!?) Even though there aren’t any hardcore nude pics or mpeg video files out there, you shouldn’t have any problems finding suggestive Denise Milani wallpaper, jpeg photos, or movies.

Denise is reputed to love the gym, working out, sports, rollerblading, dancing and partying. She has a beautiful face and smile, so her cleavage isn’t the only thing people like about her.

Monday 24 May 2010

Celeb feet update 5/23/10


I was shocked to see it had been more than a week since this blog was last updated.  I've been so busy with Craigslist and Ebay that I just haven't had time to update here.  So I'll do so today because if Nonsequitur goes more than a few days without seeing some sexy feet he goes insane.

I have deleted both Miss Melanie and Kirstie as members to this blog.  They were supposed to help pick up the slack around here while I'm ADM of the T&D Queens and neither did so.  I'm not mad, but I only want contributors on my blogs.

Susan and I went for yet another massage last night.  I asked for Shu and while he was doing me he had to stop in the middle because some bitch came in insisting she had an appointment with him and to settle her down he asked if I'd mind if he got someone else to finish me.  Some other Chink named Pao did the second half of the massage and he wasn't worth a shit.  So I didn't leave a tip.  Had I known which car was the bitch's who barged in demanding Shu I would have blown out a tire or four with the switch blade I keep under my seat. 

Anyway, the day wasn't all bad.  I sold a desk chair, a mini chain saw and a bankers lamp for $210 on Craigslist on Saturday.  The money keeps rolling in.  Susan is selling too but I'm absolutely kicking the living shit out of her in sales.  Since starting a couple months ago I've netted over $3,000 and she's only netted a little over a grand.   I ought so sale sniffs of my bare feet.  There'd be a line from here to the Nevada border of horny boys waiting to get a sniff of my legendary feet and to be sure, Dariusz, Nonsequitur, Limittest and Bone251 would all be in that line.  But instead of letting Dariusz get a sniff, I'd probably kick him in the balls for being a self admitted liberal.  Bad, bad, bad boy Dariusz.

Have you tried the new Cherry Vanilla Pepsi that just hit stores in mid May?  If not you should.  It is delicious.  Much more so than any familiar product the hapless Coca Cola company could ever put out.  That's all for now, enjoy some sweaty sexy feet!

Andrea S.

Ally Walker

Heather Tom

Neve Campbell

Zooey Deschanel

Rebecca Loos

Sunday 23 May 2010

[RHJ-046]Red Hot Jam Vol 46 Tsunderella – Hitomi Kuramoto

Sunday 16 May 2010

Saturday update 5-15-2010

Good morning,

There is good news and bad news to report this morning.  The good news is that after a few bad days I feel normal today.  The bad news is that it's supposed to be in the upper 80s today so that might make me feel bad again.  It's only the start of a long hot summer in which I'll probably stay indoors quite often with the A/C going.  And no, I still haven't cum. :/

There is no scheduled updates on the other blog for this weekend because weekend posts are largely ignored.  But on this blog I mainly update for my own pleasure.  Sure, I have close to 15,000 celeb feet pictures stored on my computer but I also like choosing some at random to post on the blog now and then.  Plus I know how much Dariusz likes spanking his little monkey to these pictures, but contrary to his request, I'll not be posting any Oprah Winfrey pics today.  Sorry Dariusz.

Speaking of Dariusz, as you know I castrated him right before he got married a year or so ago and yes I still have his frozen testes in my freezer.  Likewise, Keena has the frozen testes of Nonsequitur in her freezer.  But each boy still comes faithfully to our blogs so it just shows that even neutered males still can get horny.  They just can't do anything about it. LOL

Well it's all over in the NBA.  The Los Angeles Lakers will repeat as NBA Champions and will win the 16th banner for the franchise.  Yeah, I know we still have to play Phoenix and either Orlando or the Boston Ceptics but those teams pose zero threat to us.  Especially Phoenix.  They have no size up front to hang with Gasol, Bynum, Odom Kardashian and Artest.  They'll get manhandled by the Champions, just wait and see. If indeed the Lakers advance to the NBA Finals, it's possible Susan can get tickets for us to one of the home games through her work.  That would be awesome.  And for the record I hope we play the Ceptics in the Finals so we can beat their ancient asses back to Beantown and avenge the total bullshit from 2008.


1. Annabella Sciorra (actress)
2. Alicia Silverstone (porn star)
3. Elizabeth Berkley (actress/electrician)
4. Goldie Hawn (father of former US Senator Sam Nunn)
5. Diana Ross (singer who had a record 176,098,345 number one hits between 1878 - 2005)

Thursday 13 May 2010

Revenge is sweet

Last year in the Stanley Cup Finals, the Pittsburgh Penguins beat my second favorite team, the Detroit Redwings in Game 7.  I was so sick about it that I vomited.  The reason wasn't because the Wings lost, though that did hurt.  It was because they lost to those miserable cock suckers from Pissburgh.  I hate all teams both college and pro from this dumpy city.  I hate the Steelers the most but the Penguins are a close second.  I hated Leimeux. I hated Yagr and I fucking hate Crosby.

But pay back was sweet tonight as my favorite team, the Montreal Canadiens (Les Habitants) beat the asshole Penguins in Game 7 of the Eastern Semis.  The Habs are only the 8th seed but have defeated the two best teams in the NHL in the playoffs this year, the Washington Caps and the Penguins.  Tonight's win was extra sweet though.  The Canadiens are in the final four and I am thrilled.



Steve Poizner for Governor


After giving my early and solid endorsement of Meg Whitman I now withdraw my support.  I must admit I didn't do my homework on her.  In a recent radio interview I heard, Meg was asked her position on abortion and she wholeheartedly admitted to being pro-choice.  In other words she sees no problem with the murder of babies.  I'd never vote for a pro choice candidate nor will I vote for Meg Whitman.

This creates a dilemma however.  I now fully support Steve Poizner for California Governor but I know he can't win.  Why can't he win?  Because he's a true conservative and this is California the land of the leftist lunatics.  Meg Whitman can and I think would defeat Democrat candidate and former total failure of a Governor Jerry Brown.  But if she's the GOP nominee I'll leave both boxes unchecked on November 2nd.  Meg also apparently supports amnesty for illegal aliens which also makes her worthless in my book.  My stance remains the same for California/Mexico border patrol.  If it aint white, waste it.

Two weeks ago Meg Whitman held a 48 point lead in the polls over Steve Poizner for the Republican nomination.  This Monday the latest poll numbers were released and it showed Meg's lead down to a mere 2 points, within the margin of error.  He's not the most colorful candidate we've seen but here is Steve Poizner.

Will Steve Poizner win?  Probably not.  But at least I'll vote my conscience.  


Wednesday 12 May 2010

Get me to Britain!


So Britain, a largely liberal state can elect a conservative Prime Minister yet here in America that is largely a conservative country we get an insanely liberal president and congress.  Explain to me how exactly that happens.  While the rest of the world slowly learns the fruitlessness of socialism we seem to be heading towards it full steam.

Remember when I once pointed out how in general liberals are ugly people, both inside and out and how you can pretty much guess someone's political affiliation just by looking at them?  Well just take a look at the worthless sack of shit Obama as nominated to be his next supreme court justice.

And here was his first appointee to the high court...

Do you see a pattern here?  Yes I tell you, liberals are fugly people.  Maybe it's because of their inner rage they all share.  Maybe it's from the mental defect they all share.  Or maybe it's God's vengeance against them for being so fucking stupid in every way imaginable.  Whatever the case, they're not easy on the eyes.

Meanwhile let's look at George W. Bush's two appointees to the high court.

Need I say more?  Be honest, you can just look at these four people and they wouldn't even have to open their mouth and you'd know what their political beliefs were. 

As for this new cow that Obismo (as Non calls him) has nominated, I am now hearing liberals say that experience isn't really a good thing.  Yeah sure, who would want someone with judicial experience to sit on the United States Fucking Supreme Court???  That's just an entry level position right?   And the beat goes on in this utterly laughable, pitiful excuse for an administration.  And if the media ever does it's job and proves Osambo isn't actually a US Born Citizen, thus disqualifying him from office will these appointees stand or will they be thrown out like they should be? 

Well we just received our new health care premiums yesterday and work and they're going up 29% from last year?  Wait a second, didn't Monkey Boy say they'd go down? Could he have been *gasp* lying?  The beat goes on.  Elections have consequences.  Have I told you that before?

As you know Andrea has been selling on Craigslist for a couple months now and she's doing great.  I started about a week ago and have netted over $200 so far.  This will go for some massages of course, my new favorite thing to do.  While Andrea has a man massage her I only allow female hands to touch my body.  As I typed that, Nonsequitur is at this moment experiencing "shrinkage".  If you're a Seinfeld fan like me you get that.  If not maybe you need to watch the show. :P

Here's a few pictures to hopefully get that little woodpecker of his chirping again.


Dita Von Teese

Charlize Theron

Martina Hingis

Lindsay Lohan

Magdalena Neuner

Monday 10 May 2010

When America was still America...

... And the Democrats weren't a bunch of fucking worthless leeches.

Sunday 9 May 2010

Celeb feet update 5/8/10


Sorry about the lack of updates here lately.  I've been busy selling on Craigslist and making shit loads of money doing so.  I can't believe how easy it is.  I just sold our old sofa today for $150 and our old dryer for $100. 

This blog is back to being my first priority amongst the blogs I run.  Mainly because I do it for my own pleasure.  I know most of my friends don't give a shit about female feet but I do.  I hit a brick wall in trying to get the other blog revived.  I've come to the conclusion that nobody can create interest in the blog. Not me, not Susan not Melanie, Keena or Debra.  I'm certain that if each of us girls posted live sessions of tease and denial sessions it would still create no buzz whatsoever.  So to hell with it. I tried and like all that came before me, I failed miserably.  BFD.

My family is celebrating Mother's Day and a family birthday tonight in Fresno so I'm going there for dinner at El Toro Mexican Restaurant.  For the record it's the best Mexican Food place I've ever eaten at.  But also for the record I'd rather stay home and veg.  I feel really wore out today.  I might go get a massage tonight.  Big shock!

For the one or two that give a shit, I have not cum yet.  As of May 1 I'm past my year and I thought I'd cum like a mad woman right away but I haven't.  I'm not sure why but for now I'm staying in denial.  Maybe I'll wait until Christmas! I can just see Nonsequitur at his computer reading this, hand on cock, drooling at the thought of me waiting longer.  Speaking if Nonsequitur, he sent me a photo of himself sleeping the other day.  He said he was dreaming about worshiping my bare feet.  Who could blame him?  Here it is.

Make sure to watch the 15 time World Champion Los Angeles Lakers this evening when they take another step towards Sweet 16 in Salt Lake City.  Is there any doubt who the greatest franchise in NBA history is???

Now for some great female feet!

Gilmara Jung

Celine Dion and her grandfather

Sandra Bullock

Adrienne Curry (youngest daughter of Nonsequitur)

Uma Thurman

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Celeb feet update 5/3/10

I can't believe it's already May.  It seems like it was January of 2009 and the Monkey was just taking office.  Luckily time has gone by fast and even more lucky, the majority of Americans see him for what he is, a worthless sack of shit.  Why couldn't they see this before voting for him?  But it's obvious there's a ton of buyers remorse out there and in my opinion he stands nearly no chance at a second term.

As summer quickly approaches the weather will turn hot and the females will shed those sneakers and boots they've worn all winter.  This is always good news.  It was in the upper 80s here today but it felt like 110 to me.  It's only going to get worse for the next four or five months before we cool down again. I feel really sorry for all those liberals who will spend eternity in hell which is at the center of the earth where the temps are around 12.000 degrees.  All of that for simply not believing in and trusting Christ.  

Now for some sexy feet!


 Reese Witherspoon

 Billie Piper

China Chow
Avril Lavigne and Bonita

Haley Evetts