Friday 10 September 2010

Celeb feet update 9/9/2010


While most of you have long been asleep, I've been soaking in the bathtub.  I'm sick of taking cool showers and baths and tonight I decided to take a hot bath.  And yes, I played with my pussy a lot while soaking.  Don't worry, I didn't cum.

I had a brand new razor and really took my time shaving my legs, pussy and arm pits.  I feel so sexy and smooth right now.  I was doing some major fantasizing in the bath tonight too. 

In case you missed what Miss Melanie wrote to me in the comments section last night regarding the idea of been thinking about regarding permanent orgasm denial, I will post it for you.

Here are Miss Melanie's comments.

  Miss Melanie said...

Love the video of Winona fucking the puppet.

I think you should leave the permanent denial up to chance. How about this for drama? Hold out until Christmas day and edge yourself as many times as possible per day until then. Get every hot picture of celeb feet you like and plaster them all over your wall when you do this edging. Or maybe make it an entire collage of Winona. Whatever gets you the horniest.

By the time Christmas arrives you'll be as desperate as ever to cum. Spend literally all day edging to your pictures. Maybe have Susan rub her stinky feet over your nose for the last hour of the edging. You'll be ready to burst. Pick a time, let's say 10PM for the moment of truth.

Then at 10PM, flip one coin, preferably a silver dollar. Heads you get to cum while looking at the pictures and with Susan rubbing her feet on your face and you are free to cum whenever you want after that. The long nightmare of denial is over. But if you roll a tails, Susan removes her feet from your face, you stop looking at your pictures and begin reflecting on your new fate, permanent orgasm denial. Before you pledge to abide by the coin toss, you must put your hand on the Bible in front of all your friends and swear to God to abide by whatever the result is.

How's that?

Miss Melanie

September 8, 2010 4:13 PM

I read those comments last night and as soon as I read them my hands started trembling.  No, not some weird MS thing, it was because I was so turned on that she turned my mind into mush instantly. 
I thought about it for only a few minutes when I knew I had to go through with it.  The only thing I'll do differently is that I'll either wait until Jan.1 or April 29th.  Jan. 1 would mean that in addition to making it a whole year like I completed this past April, I would also have gone the whole calender year of 2010 without an orgasm.  If I wait until April 29th of 2011 it would mean I made it two entire years.
Of course all of it won't mean much if I roll a tails and I end up going the rest of my life without an orgasm.  But as of today, Sept. 9th 2010 I hereby pledge to stay in orgasm denial until at least January 1st, 2010.  No chance I'll cum even though after reading Melanie's post my need has become ten fold.
I tossed and turned all night, mad with desire.  I wanted so much to reach down and rub my clit until I came and last night it would have been the orgasm of a lifetime.  Could've, would've, should've but wasn't. 
But I plan on doing exactly what Miss Melanie said right down to the last detail. And FYI Melanie, I already have a collage of female celeb feet on a bulletin board in our room that I tease myself to all the time.  YOU are even on it!  And so is Minx.
I also hereby pledge to abide by the result of the coin toss and I'll have Susan, Jen and Shannon as witnesses at the moment of truth and I'll also swear on a Bible when the time comes.  My hands are shaking already just thinking of it. I don't think I've ever been so turned on in my life.
This is truly a life altering decision.  If I roll heads, it won't be, I'll just go back to cumming like a mad woman just like I did before April 29th, 2009.  But if I roll a tails, I may as well become a nun because I'll never again feel the joy of a mind blowing orgasm. In fact I'd probably put myself on permanent no touch as well except for hygiene of course as to not tempt myself.
Yes, I'm so fucking nervous already I can barely type. I can see my heart beating in my chest right now and my pussy is soaked completely through my panties and on to the desk chair.  Thank you Miss Melanie for giving me the perfect solution and something to both look forward to and dread like death at the same time.
I know a lot of you are rolling your eyes reading this thinking that even if I lose that I'll never go through with it.  Well if so, you don't know me at all.  I don't care how difficult it would be, I'd keep my word.  I'm also torn 50/50 as to how I hope it turns out.  If I roll heads it'll be the biggest sense of relief I've ever felt in my life, only to be followed seconds later by what'll no doubt be the greatest orgasm of my life.  If I roll a tails it'll be the ultimate feeling of heartbreak and loss I've ever felt.  Even worse than when my Neurologist confirmed the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. 
Either way when I edge myself for hours and when I flip that coin, it'll be the longest and most exciting two seconds of my entire life.  Everything hangs in the balance. It's literally all or nothing because if it's heads I'll cum so many times it'll make Miss Minx's adventures seem like nothing.  And if it's tails, I'll get nothing and will probably immediately go into no touch.  Tell me what result you'd like to see and why!
I was crushed to read Bonita's decision not to let me spend time at her house to get tortured.  Since my official diagnosis nobody wants to fuck with me.  Jen and Shannon won't, Susan won't, and now even Bonita will not.  So I'm down to one last appeal.  Miss Keena?  How about it?
I was tied up and tortured quite often by all of these women when I already had MS anyway, it just hadn't been confirmed.  I'm 29 now and realistically I've likely had the disease since I was 20-22.  I had only been out of high school for a year or so when the earliest symptoms appeared.  I remember waking up one morning and my left arm was totally numb and it lasted all day.  I thought I had just really slept on it wrong.
But as the months went by more and more weird things started happening. Extremely sore muscles for no reason that lasted weeks.  Very weak legs. Fatigue.  At first doctors suspected lupus but that never appeared on tests.  But then I forgot all about it because I went into remission for years until about two years ago when things went haywire again.
But the point is, all that time even in the last two years when I was subbing, I had MS.  I DO NOT WANT TO BE TREATED LIKE A PIECE OF CHINA!!! I appreciate all of you ladies being concerned very much but it's my body and I know what I can take.  Shannon made the comment on the other blog that perhaps I was in denial about the seriousness of the disease.  Not at all.  I know it's serious but I don't want to stop living. I have a life to live and I intend on living it fully.  I have MS but MS doesn't have me.  I refuse to let it.
I know what precautions I need to take and if I want to take a hot shower once in a while I will.  If I want to get tied spread eagle and get tickled and teased I will.  Just because you tie me up doesn't mean you have to go all out in causing me major pain and tears.  You know I like the softer side anyway, like teasing and tickling.  Make me laugh, make me horny, don't let me cum but for God's sake LET ME LIVE! I'm no different than any of you, my nervous system is just a little off.  I'm not going to die from it, and nothing, even hard core torture will change it.  So please Jen. Please Shannon.  Please Keena and Bonita. Even you Susan my love, don't be afraid to fuck with me.  There's nothing to be worried about.  Tell them Nonsequitur, PLEASE! I promise you women that if you won't do it I'll find someone who will. 
I know I just sounded like a whiny little girl and perhaps I am.  But I don't know how else to get my point across.  Sometimes I'm better at putting it into words than I am actually saying it. 
I also want to add that I agree with Shannon that I was a little disappointed in Susan's post last night about my Dodgers.  When her teams struggle I don't get that way with her.  Maybe a little ribbing but the things she says about my Dodgers and Lakers are hurtful to me.  Plus it makes her sound really ignorant when she continues to say that the Lakers payed off the refs and stuff like that. Sure, LA probably got the benefit of some home court calls in game 7 but all teams do.  It's not right but it's just a fact. Nothing was fixed.  And when she says that she enjoyed watching Goose Gossage hit Ron Cey in the head with a 100mph fast ball, it really makes her sound both ignorant and heartless.  As much as I hated Barry Bonds I'd never want to see that happen to him.
So that is the reason I supported removing Susan as an ADM here and replacing that role with Shannon.  I'm all for free speech but some things are just over the top.  I really need to have a long talk with Susan this weekend and get through to her.  I feel like I'm the one 9 and a half years older than her sometimes. 
I'm sorry for such long, rambling updates here lately.  I'll try to stop going on and on and on. LOL  Let's end this by looking at some sexy feet!
1. Amy Winehouse (current love interest of Nonsequitur)
2. Halle Berry (current and permanent love interest of me) :)
3. Hillary Duff (daughter of Brinkher)
4. Heidi Montag (former Governor of Michigan)
5. Serena Williams (oldest sister of Lauren)