Monday, 27 September 2010

Sunday update 9/26/10


Before I begin this update, I need to tell you that it will be the last update on this blog by anyone other than Shannon until Wed. October 6th.  She will begin my birthday orgasm voting tomorrow and it will run until Monday the 4th.  If all goes well, and I pray to God it will, I can have an orgasm FINALLY on my 39th birthday, Oct. 5.

I just want to make one last appeal on this blog because I will not be allowed to get on this blog or the TD Queens for one entire week during the voting.  That's going to suck not knowing what's going on but there's nothing I can do about it.

I want to say that unlike Andrea, I have no desire for this orgasm denial to continue.  It's been way too long already and I need to cum very soon.  I know a lot of you enjoy the thought of me in long term denial but try putting yourself in my situation.  99% of you would never be able to do it so please don't make me keep doing it.

The downside of winning is that my orgasm will be administered by Lady Bonita. Not exactly what I had hoped for but I'll take what I can get at this point.  I still want an orgasm from Mistress Jen more than anything but apparently that chance was lost forever on my last birthday vote.  She claims it will never happen. :( :( :(

I've been really watching what I eat since these stomach problems have started and I've lost five pounds.  I want to be happy about it but on the other hand, weight loss is a main symptom to a lot of cancers.  So I don't know if I should be happy or sad. :/

I'd love to sit here and blast my New York Stinkees for their unforgivable late season collapse but I know I'd start dropping f bombs all over the place and Shannon has me on a strict no swearing rule right now.  Believe me, it's been so very hard but I know if I screw up she's going to sell me car and keep the money and I'll still have to make the remaining payments and have nothing to show for except this stupid Dodge Colt I've been driving for several months now.

But concerning baseball, I have a feeling we'll see a rematch from two years ago between the Phillies and Rays.  I pray to God the result would be the same, a Phillies blow out because I absolutely can not stand Tampa Bay.  I know the Yankees are a first round exit no matter who they play, if they even make the playoffs and right now I hope they don't because gutless teams don't deserve to. I'd actually like to see the Twins make it this year but I suspect their starting pitching isn't strong enough. In the NL, it's Philadelphia all the way, no weak NL team can compete the American League built Phillies.

Just about a month before election time.  It should be the biggest mid term wipe out ever but never under estimate the GOP's ability to blow a sure thing. I'm getting sick and tired of them throwing Tea Party Republicans under the bus when they beat moderate to liberal Republicans in the primaries.

The last thing the GOP needs is moderates.  If your a moderate, go join the Democrats because all a moderate is is someone to humiliated to admit their mental illness, liberalism.  I don't believe there's any such thing as a moderate.  If us conservatives can't retake the Republican party away from the McCain's. Snow's and Collins of the world then I say let's make the Tea Party our home and leave the GOP.  It will mean short term defeat but long term domination. It would be so much easier just to eliminate the party names of Republicans and Democrats and just have liberal and conservative parties.

I still expect victory on election day because the majority of Americans are absolutely appalled by Obama and company.  For whatever reason people say they didn't know what they were voting for when they elected Obama with a super majority congress.  Well now you know.  How's it working out for you?

I had to get a chuckle when I was reading some comments on Nonsequitur's newest blog.  Some effing ditz asked him how he could possibly write so well about his fantasies while being affiliated with our Dittoheads blog.  The ditz went on to blast Rush Limbaugh up and down, showing his/her/it's incredible stupidity and asininity. 

First of all, what does writing about female denial have to do with ones political beliefs?  I'm to the right of Rush Limbaugh and many over the years have labeled me the best when it comes to writing about female orgasm denial. And for the record, I agree.

So let me get this straight.  The only way you can write about this sort of thing is if you believe it's okay to murder babies?  Only of you think taxes aren't high enough?  Only if you worship the federal government like it was God?  Only if you don't even believe in God?  Only if you believe in taking from hard working people to give to the worthless leaches of society?  Only if you believe in the greatest hoax in the history of mankind, global warming?  Only if you whole heartedly believe that America deserved 911?  Only if you believe two men or two women have the right to get married?  Only if you believe illegal aliens have the right to be here and even have more rights than real Americans?  Only if you believe the complete worthless lazy ass bums of society are entitled to free health care?  Only if you believe a Kenyan born man has the right to be the US President?   Only if you worship the ground Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi walk on?  Only if you absolutely hate America and the United States military?  Only if you actively root for America to fail in WAR so it'll make George Bush look bad? Really?  That's the only way you can be able to write about this sort of stuff?

I'm sure that human piece of trash that wrote that comment on that blog doesn't visit this blog nor would he/she have the guts to write it on one of my blogs.  And quite frankly I don't want clits like that even visiting a blog I'm associated with anyway.  Ignorant asses like that are the reason America is teetering on the edge of the abyss. 

To criticize Rush Limbaugh or say he's stupid is truly the most pathetic and insane thing I've ever heard in all my years.  Rush Limbaugh has more brains in one of his pubic hairs than 99% of people have in their entire bodies.  There's a reason he's the most listened to and most successful radio talk show host in the history of mankind.  There's a reason Clear Channel, (my employer) pays him 38 million a year.  Because he's easily the most brilliant man to walk the planet since Albert Einstein. 

So this update is dedicated to the incompetent boob who wrote those asinine comments. Enjoy,  jackass!