I just wanted to say that everything has gone according to plan today. I dropped off Andrea with Keena at 9:30 this morning and told her I'd be back to pick her up Sunday night, probably late. She looked quite nervous. :P
I asked Bonita to call when Susan arrived after work today and she called around 3 saying Susan got there at 2:30 and that she already had her stripped and in a cage. I also talked to Shique this morning and she agreed to take Susan tomorrow.
So Shannon and I have the house all to ourselves all weekend. We have plans tonight to go out with Kirstie and Debra. That'll likely mean we all wind up either here or at their place and that we'll spend a few hours drinking and tormenting the hell out of Kirstie. Poor thing.
As you can see by my avatar, I have decided to throw my hat in the ring for ADM of the Tease and Denial Queens. In the past, I've run before but have never really taken it that serious. I plan to change that this time because I want the job badly. I feel like I can make a good leader and I hope if you are a member there that you'll think about voting for me.

Shannon Miller