Whatever room he enters, Barack Obama is the least qualified person to lead this country. The presidency is serious business and we not only have a profoundly unqualified man in the position but an unparalleled one in utter stupidity. Staying a float for four years might not be possible under this regime but we'll have to somehow make do. All the while Obama continues to wage war on prosperity, the private sector and individual freedom.
So in choosing our nominee in 2012 we can afford no mistakes. We can't have another Bob Dole or John McCain disaster. So let's handicap the field a little.
Sarah Palin - I love what she says and what she stands for but let's get real, she has as much of a chance to win the presidency as I do. Do us a favor Sarah and do not run.
Mitt Romney - Looks and sounds more presidential than anyone on either side, is super smart and is the former Governor of a large state. But two major strikes against him are his religion, (Mormon) and he passed his own version of universal health care in Massachusetts.
Newt Gingrich - I've always loved Newt and he'd make a great president I have no doubt. By far and away the most intellectual Republican I've ever seen. A true historian and the architect of the 1994 GOP take over of congress during the Clinton years. But he is an extremely polarizing figure, he's getting old and he appeared in a commercial about Globull Warming with Nancy Pelosi. His initial acceptance of Obama as president was pretty unforgivable too.
Ron Paul - some good ideas but he's old as dirt and a total kook. Plus his followers are way too cult like.
Rick Perry - current Governor of Texas. Best looking man ever in politics and would make a great president. As of now I see no downside except he might be unknown to most Americans.
John McCain - I've heard rumors he might run again though he insists not. Gimme a break, he's a joke and a loser.
Haley Barbour - Gov of Mississippi and former head of the GOP. I like him a lot but I think he lacks the pizazz to win.
Jeb Bush - no indication that he'll run but he'd sweep the south and probably win most if not all of W's red states. Could suffer from his brother's unfounded unpopularity. Seems a bit too moderate on a lot of issues.
Tim Pawlenty - would make a great Veep but looks way too wimpy for the Presidency. Face it, looks matter.
Bobby Jindal - see Tim Pawlenty.
So that brings me to who just might be the most electable Republican, Mike Huckabee. He's a former Governor which is always a huge plus. He's a Southern Baptist Minister which is even more awesome. He's also well known because of his run in 2008. Rush doesn't seem to like him for some reason but I can't figure out why. I think he'd be great. Here's a couple nice vids on Mike!