Tuesday 29 September 2009

Forget about it


I first want to say that I am not a back up blogger and will NOT back up any dick heads that forget to do their scheduled updates on the other blog. In fact I don't want to be scheduled period. Not on a blog that rejects me over and over. This and the private blog are the only two I give a shit about.

Everyone is sick around this house. Jen has the flu, Susan is having some weird nerve twisting/turning pain in her head plus a stiff neck and of course you know my problems. At least their's will eventually go away.

Another hot ass day today but around 7pm tonight we could see a huge change. It's cool and windy tonight and is supposed to be in the 70s and 80s for the next week or so. Probably still hotter than the rest of the country but for us, it's like Heaven.

I have another doctors appointment tomorrow to monitor my situation. I am going to request that she put me on some anti depressants. I need them badly. While my attitude about my MS was upbeat at first, I'm now feeling the depression and helplessness that goes with it.

To make matters worse for me, the cat that I found last year has been gone for about a week now. It's about the only cat I ever liked and now it's gone. Big shock. Susan's cats don't care for me, just like everyone on the T&D blog.

Time to end this upbeat and inspiring update.

Julie Bowen
Penelope Cruz
Ming Na Wen
Nicole Richie
Jessica Alba Jones

Monday 28 September 2009

Sunday night update


The situation is intense around here tonight. I was ready for dinner an hour ago but Susan is too wound up about the ADM election to even think about eating. Currently with an hour left, Susan trails 11-10.

I finally had to take back my Mistress title but just for one hour. At 6:55 I informed her I was back in charge and made her get away from the computer for a little while. She kept refreshing the blog every 10 seconds hoping to see another vote come in for her.

She's driving herself crazy and I wanted her to take a half hour or so break. Don't worry, just because I am temporarily back in charge does not mean I will cum, or even touch myself. Nor will I take cheap advantage and smell any feet. I just took the power back to protect Susan from going nuts over the next hour.

As soon as the clock strikes 8, I will go back as the sub of the house. And hopefully we can eat dinner at that time. My MS was awful today. I've had a headache with lightheadedness and aches and pains all over. Tingling sensations grip my entire body and it's so annoying. Sometimes I just want to cry because I can't believe this has happened to me.

Today was unbearable outside. It was said to be approaching a record this afternoon. But a major cool down is expected to begin on Tuesday and by Wed it's supposed to be 30 degrees cooler, in the low 70s. Hopefully that will ease these symptoms.

Just checked, Susan trails by one with 48 minutes left. She needs to win out because a tie goes to the incumbent, Miss Melanie. Possibly there will be some last minute voting like there always is. Question is, who will it benefit? Probably Miss Melanie. People like to tease and fuck with Susan's mind and might decide to fuck her as time runs out.

We are also approaching the hour in which Mistress Jen announces who will go on the strict diet, me or Susan. Susan weighs more and is 5 inches shorter so it should be her!

Well I have just about had it with the Rams. Once again they got smoked today and certainly have the look of a team that may go winless. The Raiders got the shit kicked out of them so that was at least a good thing. The Jets and Broncos sure look tough so far as do the NY Giants. Pittsburgh lost again and that's always a great thing. I'm shocked the fucking refs didn't find a way to bail them out once again.

On to some celeb feet pictures, highlighted by the incomparable Carrie Underwood.

Mistress Andrea (for 45 more minutes!)

Charli Robinson (Austrailian kids show host)
Kirsten Dunst (grand daughter of Barney Fife)
Britney Spears (total Goddess) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Amy Winehouse (gospel singer)
Carrie Underwood (singer)

Sunday 27 September 2009

Saturday Sept 26

Good afternoon,

I am so sick of this hot fucking weather. We went out to do a few errands today and it was absolutely miserable. Here it is almost October and good old piece of shit California is under a massive heat wave. Believe it or not it's supposed to drop over 20 degrees by Wednesday and be around 80. I'll believe it when I see it.

And now for some more bullshit. It appears the CD Rom on the computer is fried. I went to try to burn a CD this morning and the computer can't even detect a disk in it. Real nice.

Susan is quite depressed about the ADM Election. Her hopes were sky high just two days ago and now she's in the dumps. It looks like Miss Melanie will send Susan to a humiliating defeat.

We ate some Mexican food for lunch and I'm stuffed. One of will be placed on a very strict diet by Mistress Jen tomorrow night and I think we're both trying to savor our last days of free eating.

Last night I spent much of the evening in bondage. After we all got home from eating we watched tv but I was placed in the straitjacket and then later on was hogtied, blindfolded and gagged. All the women took turns tickling me and it was unbearable. Sadly none of them let me worship their feet. Debra's feet were looking especially inviting and I was longing for them.

Keena has taken over as ADM on the private blog. We don't hold elections there but she kind of just said she was taking over and nobody objected. Susan, Kirstie and I can't object because of our place on the totem pole but Jen and Debra could but both said they didn't care. So now Susan is down to controlling just this blog. With Jen now a member here that control seems a bit shaky.

I feel like I need to take a nap and Susan already is. So let's wrap this up.


Lindsay Lohan (actress)
Alexa Von Tess (grand daughter of Nonsequitur.
Piper Perabo (actress)
Nicky and Paris (women)
Heather Tom (soap opera actress)

Saturday 26 September 2009

Friday update


I'm extremely disappointed I did not win the ADM Primary. I'm glad Susan won and all but I honestly believe I would have been the best choice. I was doing well the first day or two and then bottomed out. Early on it looks as though Miss Melanie will go through Susan like a hot knife through butter.

I'm very excited about tonight. Debra and Kirstie are coming over and we are all going out for pizza. I'm already so hungry! I'm very worried about this weekend though. Mistress Jen informed me and Susan this morning that she is going to put one of us on an 1100 calorie per day diet beginning Monday. This diet will strictly prohibit any desserts or soft drinks whatsoever.

Needless to say the thought of this diet is daunting to say the least. I would DIE if she chooses me for this diet. She said by Sunday night she'll decide who the unlucky girl will be. I will be on model behavior all weekend.

Susan's orgasm vote is nearing. I hope she loses but I will not be voting. She's been dying for an orgasm by Jen for as long as I remember. It would be nice to see her have to keep waiting. And waiting and waiting and waiting. Like I'M having to do.

The MS was so so this week. Lots of tingling in my hands and feet and an annoying muscle contraction over and over in my left thigh. I did lose a little bladder control from a sneeze but was able to stop it after the sneeze was over. Still sleepy all the time but with cooler weather on the way I'm hopeful the symptoms will let up.

Alrighty, I'm very hungry and have to go fetch a snack because dinner isn't until later. I have a feeling either Susan or I are going to wind up on the torture table later tonight. And probably neither of us will get any sexual relief. :-( This wet pussy is driving me crazy!


Jennifer Capriati (former tennis player)
JoJo (singer)
Pink (a color)
Julia Roberts (biological mother of Brinkher)
Isla Fisher (actress/attorney at law)

Wednesday 23 September 2009

[CWP-40] Momoka Rin - Catwalk Poison Vol. 40


Monday 21 September 2009

Celeb feet update Sunday


How's your weekend going so far? Mine has been ok. I'm sick of being so freaking sleepy all the time though. No doubt, a result of the MS. I can sleep 10 straight hours and still feel like I need a nap. I've loaded up with caffeine today and it's helped a little. I tried some of that 5 hour energy yesterday and it damn near killed me. My heart was beating so fast, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I had to take 60mg. of Inderal to slow it back down.

Today was supposed to be the start of the ADM election but so far Miss Melanie has yet to put the poll up. Maybe she's becoming like Barack the Cock and will become an authoritarian dictator and cancel all further elections. Something that wouldn't shock me coming from the Obongo administration. Don't forget to stop by the Tease and Denial Queens and cast your vote for ME. I haven't had many good breaks in 2009, so give a girl a deserved break and make me ADM. :)

I am very pleased to announce the return of Nonsequitur's "Cabbage Patch Dolls" blog. He recently reinstated it and is planning on being active once again. He easily makes the best female tease and denial caps in the business. When he's not out making a scene about a Super Bowl from nearly ten years ago, he's hard at work making caps to make us denied sluts squirm even more. You can get to this blog by clicking here.

Speaking of football, my Rams lost yet again today. :( Since beating Non's Tennessee Oilers in the Super Bowl all those years ago, I haven't had much to cheer about. A loss to New England a couple years later and then it was all over. We traded the living legend Kurt Warner and the rest is history. Susan's Pats lost today too and she's fuming about it. Non's Titan's lost yet again today also to Houston. God have mercy on the city of Memphis tonight. I'm sure Non will get liquored up and will be on the war path. Yikes!

As usual, I am a horny mess today. Admit it, none of you thought I'd stay in denial this long did you? To be honest, I never dreamed I'd have to. But I made a commitment to Susan and Jen to be a perfectly obedient sub and I have been. I do whatever they say, no matter how awful it is. Today I've been watching a lot of bondage porn and my pussy is soaking wet and needing to cum sooooo bad! Susan did let me edge a few times, but to a picture of Susan Boyle's feet. Not exactly something I would have chosen myself. I wanted Kendra James and got Susan Boyle. :(


1. Nicky Hilton
2. Jessica Alba - admit it Non, even you would smell HER feet!
3. Mistress Glenn Close - and Andrea obsession
4. Gabrielle Anwar
5. Alicia Silverstone

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Tuesday 9/15/09

Yeah boy, you did. Now do the right thing and resign.

Well, I must have jinxed myself. After bragging about being symptom free lately the MS struck back in grand fashion today. I woke up this morning incredibly dizzy. Then when that subsided there was a black dot in my left eye for several hours. Then my lips went all numb like when the dentist gives you shots in your mouth. It made me talk funny for a couple hours. Now tonight I have darting pains like pins and needles all through my body driving me crazy. My left foot feels like it's asleep. So not a very good day for me. :-( I'm even having some trouble typing.

OK, enough of my whining. There's nothing I can do about it anyway except hope tomorrow is better. There's no cure for this disease and I'll spend the next 40-50 years battling annoying shit like this. Oh joy.

Last night, Susan and I were both extremely sexually frustrated with our situations. So we 69d each other. But not how you think. We both worshiped each other's feet at the same time. Hers were like a slice of heaven for me. I'm so glad she allowed it to happen. However, I think it only served to rile both of our pussies up even more. I've got to cum soon.


Katy Perry (was born on the planet Pluto and lived there until age 5) (true story)

Eva Longoria with her fucking loser husband Tony the Prick Parker.

Anne Heche... OH for a sniff of those feet. :P

Annalise Braakensiek (Australian model)

Regina King (actress from the 80s sitcom "227" and first cousin of Lauren)

Monday 14 September 2009

Celeb feet update Sunday 9/13/09

Good evening,

This afternoon some weird things formed in the sky over Modesto. They looked all puffy and gray and the temperature cooled way down from the hellish morning we had. Some of the neighbors are saying these objects in the sky are called "clouds". Though they are totally foreign to the Central California area, I do recall seeing them a few times in my life. Probably on television or something.

As you may have read on the Queens blog, I have decided to run for ADM. I haven't run the past few times after getting steam rolled by Keena in the January primary. I still can't figure that one out. When Steph abandoned the blog in December, along with everyone else, I was the lone soul keeping the blog going. Literally I was the ONLY one.

I had big plans on winning the election and leading the blog to great things and they voted for a 19 year old Indian girl who had posted two or three times in her life. As acting ADM, I could have easily not transferred the ADM rights to her but I respected the will of the people. But it was really hurtful and I still haven't totally gotten over it. Hopefully this time will be a different and better result.

I am happy to report that for the second consecutive week I have been virtually MS symptom free. I still get that numbness and tingling in one of my toes but that is something I can live with. It could be so much worse and I know at times it will be. I'm hopeful that if we ever cool down over here it will help alleviate the symptoms even further.

The two meanies have kept me in denial and in a constant state of arousal all weekend. Though Susan has said she may give me some sort of chance in the near future. GOD I hope so! I'm so horny I could die.

Mistress Jen continued her assault on Susan this past week. She's been making Susan wear and use diapers all week. She humiliated Susan today by making her go to the grocery store dressed like a hooker and had her go to the first clerk she saw in the store and made her ask where only three items were. KY Liquid, condoms and cucumbers.

Then she made her go into a man's line and buy them. She also made Susan ask the checker who checked her out if they had any larger cucumbers in the back. Jen and I were behind her in line, acting like we didn't know her but were noticeably giggling at her. Susan's face was about as red as the text I'm using in this post. Jen has quite the devious mind.

Then we tied Susan to the coffee table and teased and tickled the shit out of her. She's been in denial for a few months now and is clearly showing the effects from it. Probably worse than I am. Everything hinges on the birthday vote for her. If she wins, which with the rules Jen has set forth it's entirely possible, she'll finally get her wish she's had all these years. Jen herself will make her cum. It's never happened before and Susan drives herself crazy thinking about it. If she loses though, it will remain just a fantasy.

I probably ought to be jealous that Susan is so desirous that Jen makes her cum, but I totally understand. Jen is hot and I myself have several fantasies about other women. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I finally got my fantasy full filled at the hands and feet of Miss Melanie last year. Will Susan get to live out her fantasy? I've cum many times with Jen holding the vibrator, but not Susan.

Well I guess that's about it for now. I am hoping to get your support for the ADM election. I already know that both Joyce and Nonsequitur and probably even Lauren will vote for me, even over Susan. So that's three already! Thanks guys! Your loyalty means a lot to me.

Now on to the part of the update virtually nobody cares about and to an extent slightly ridicules, the celeb feet. I reckon most of you tune in to hear what Susan and I are up to and maybe to see some Osambo bashing. Maybe some to hear about the miserable horniness both of us are subjected to. Maybe some to hear us, (mainly Susan) say things about certain groups of people that everyone already thinks and doesn't have the nuts to say themselves. Oh boy, you'd be floored by what's said on the private blog. LOL But I hope at least some come to see the exquisite beauty of a female foot. Whatever the case, I'm glad you stopped by!


PS- Thanks again to Joyce, Non and Lauren for your votes. :)

1. Kim Kardashian (can you believe this crotch recently dyed her hair blond? Why would a natural brunette beauty lower herself into looking like a fucking bleach blond whore?)

2. Nicole Richie (actress who recently gave birth to her fifteenth child in the past year)

3. Patricia Heaton (classy Republican lady teasing Andrea with her perfect bare feet)

4. Jessica Simpson (blonde bimbo who once sucked ten black cocks at one time)

5. Gilmara Jung (sister of Anonymous M)

6. Claire Danes (actress with size 18 and 1/2 feet)

7. Belle Perez ( I have no clue who she is but she looks rather nice)

Monday 7 September 2009

Monday update 9/7


I am so glad to have the day off! I want to say to everyone, happy Labor Day. I won't go as far as Susan did to suggest all Democrats don't work. There's plenty of good Democrats out there who don't even have any idea why they're a Democrat. For those who pay little attention and call themselves Democrats, it's usually a reason like "My parents or grandparents were Democrats so I am." Most of these people have no idea that the Democrat party has become a total freak show, full of complete lunatics who are totally anti American. But there's plenty of Dems that do work for a living and they deserve the day off just like anyone else.

I have felt so good all weekend. Aside from yesterday when my second toe on my left foot was tingling for hours, I have been MS symptom free. I've been doing a lot of exercising this weekend and I feel great. It's scary though not knowing what weird ailment I may wake up with on any certain day. All I can do is take it day by day and deal with whatever hand I'm dealt.

I received an email this morning from Nonsequitur saying that he wants to smell my feet and suck my toes. The answer is no. If I'm not even allowed to do that , then he can't either. The only man who can suck my toes is Limittest and that's because he has a gigantic cock.

Jen is tormenting Susan today so I don't know if she will be around to update much today. Instead of watching John Wayne movies yesterday, I instead watched First Blood, then Rambo 2 and Rambo 3. In my opinion this is the best trilogy ever made. These movies are all fantastic and I don't even know how I'd rank them. They all rock. I like quiet, mysterious men like the Rambo character. The huge muscles are quite nice too! I will say however that the newest Rambo movie that came out a couple years ago wasn't all that. Neither was Stallone's "Rocky Balboa" that was out a few years back. 60 year old fighters don't do it for me.

Today I am thinking of watching the Terminator trilogy. I have also been watching a lot of Andy Griffith shows with Susan lately. I don't think a better, more wholesome show was ever put on TV. My favorite episode is "Aunt Bee's Pickles". I also love "Opie the Birdman", "Barney's Uniform" and the one where Barney must pass a physical to remain a deputy but he needs to grow a half inch taller and gain a bunch of weight. I used to poke fun at Susan when we first became a couple for watching shows like Andy and Leave it to Beaver. But I was more liberal then and now I totally love those shows and wish I would have lived back then. I kind of wish I would have lived back when Nonsequitur was a kid, back in the Great Depression days. People from that era have so much more character than this generation.

We poke a lot of fun at Nonsequitur but we adore him. We never mean anything bad by it. He's actually not all that old. I think he is probably in his 40s, which is still old but not ancient. He sent Susan a picture of himself at one point. He's a sophisticated looking gentleman with a nice looking beard and if I remember right he wears glasses. Since the death of our great friend Rapid last year, Nonsequitur has stepped into the role of our favorite man.

But I still do miss Rapid very much and think about him every day. I go into Tantalism chat once in a while and I always feel so sad because that place was Rapid's favorite hang out. He was so pleasant to chat with and was never in a bad mood, even in his last days. I hope to meet him in Heaven one day and give him a giant hug.

My mother and sisters are coming up from Fresno today to have lunch with me. It's the first time I've seen them in person since I was diagnosed with MS so I'm sure they'll be very emotional. My dad is probably happy though since he doesn't much care for me. I've never understood why that is, but it is what it is. I wish it wasn't so though, I long for a loving father. But in reality, God is the only loving Father I need.

Today I have posted my current top favorite celebrity feet, in no particular order. I still do make my feet rankings two to three times per month. For 2009, it hasn't been much of a race at all though. Glenn Close has absolutely dominated from the get go and is currently up by 37 points over number two Britney Spears. I don't know why I have such a crush on Glenn. I know she's in her 60s but I just think she is so pretty and classy. When I was a young girl I saw her in "The Natural" and have adored her ever since. In the current rankings she is number six but she has accumulated such a huge lead that it's all but certain she will win this years rankings and that will be her second championship since I started these rankings in 1999. Nobody else has won two titles, so Glenn will be the first. My past champions include Selma Blair, Cindy Crawford, Halle Berry, Melissa Rivers, Drew Barrymore, Britney Spears, Tori Spelling, Glenn Close, Elizabeth Berkley and Anne Heche.

OK, my sister just called and they are a half hour away so I need to go get dressed and tell Jen and Susan to cut the crap until they leave. Have a great day everyone!


Drew Barrymore
Britney Spears
Selma Blair
Halle Berry
Lindsay Lohan